Mennyire különbözik a nyugat-európai és a balkáni iszlám kultúra?
Amikor Európában az iszlám terjedéséről beszélnek, mindig Nyugat-Európáról van szó.
Franciaországban 8%, Egyesült Királyságban 5%, Németországban 5%, Hollandiában 6%, Svédországban 5% körüli a muszlimok aránya.
Pedig mi térségünkben is jelentős muszlim közösségek vannak már több évszázada:
Szerbia 4%, Bosznia és Hercegovina 44%, Montenegró 19%, Macedónia 35%, Bulgária 8%, Albánia 60%, Koszovó 90%.
A hírek szerint környékünkön is terjed az extrémizmus, iszlám radikalizmus:
a 'wahhaabi' szó kapcsán:
King ‘Abdul ‘Azeez makes a clarification of the term “Wahhabism”
Posted on: Friday, June 6th, 2003 @ 1:33 am
Written by/Said by: King 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn 'Abdur Rahmaan al-Sa'ud (رحمه الله)
Taken from: Mujmalu I'tiqaadil A'immatis-Salafee, Pages 117-118
King ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (رحمه الله) said:
“They have labeled us with the term ‘Wahhabiyoon’, and they have named our madhhab as ‘Wahhabi’ considering it as a specific madhhab, and this is a wicked mistake, appearing from the false propaganda which has been spread by the people of gossip. We are not the people of a new madhhab or new ‘aqeedah. Our ‘aqeedah is the ‘aqeedah of the rightly guided predecessors, we respect the four Imaams and we make no distinction between Maalik, ash-Shaafi’ee, Ahmad, and Abu Haneefah, all of them are deeply respected in our view.
This ‘aqeedah is the one, that was re-established by Shaykhul Islaam, Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahaab (رحمه الله), and the one that he called towards. This is our ‘aqeedah and it is the structured ‘aqeedah upon the tawheed of Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى), free from defect, far removed from any innovation.”
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Shaykh ‘Ubayd clarifies the usage of the term “Al-Wahabiyyah”
Posted: Mar 2nd, 2005
Author: Shaykh 'Ubayd ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree
Source: Tape recorded lecture
Question: This (female) questioner from France says that she has just professed Islaam and always hears of (the term) “Al-Wahabiyyah”, so she desires clarification from the Shaykh regarding this issue, may Allaah protect him.
Answer: I ask Allaah, O my daughter, that He establish you on Islaam and the Sunnah. O Allaah, establish her! [The Shaykh made this supplication three times]
(The term) “Al-Wahabiyyah” is attributed to Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab (رحمه الله) because he was the one who revived the call of Tawheed in the middle part of the twelfth century of the hijrah. He was aided upon this revival by the Ameer, the Imaam, Muhammad ibn Saud, may Allaah have mercy upon them both.
This ascription (Al-Wahabiyyah) is used by the enemies; the enemies of Tawheed, the enemies of the Sunnah. So it has become, that every enemy of Tawheed and the Sunnah ascribes the person of Tawheed and the Sunnah with being “Wahabee”. This is the explanation of the word “Al-Wahabiyyah".
And perhaps you should know that it is an evil ascription both blameworthy and faulty, because Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab (رحمه الله) did not ascribe himself with this. Likewise, this ascription was never attributed to him by the Scholars of the da’wah after him, nor from amongst his sons, grandchildren and brothers of the daÀâ„wah up until the present time.
It is not known from anyone from amongst them attributing him with this ascription except the people of superstitions, innovations, and Shirk. They are the ones who ascribe the people of the Sunnah with this ascription.
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Tawheed = tiszta iszlám egyistenhit hogy nincs más jogosan imádható isten csakis Allaah és Muhammad (sall Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) a szolgája és küldötte - és mindent amit Allaah mellett imádnak, azt hamisan imádnak.
a tawheed-ről és a Tanúságtételekről:
La ma'bud bi Haqqin ilAllaah wa ghairullaahi in 'ibuda fa fi baatil
azaz: (There is no deity worthy of worship in truth except for Allaah, and whatever else is worshipped besides Allaah is worshipped in falsehood).
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a belinkelt online újságcikkben nagyon erős csúsztatások vannak.
azokról akik a cikk szól, azoknak a neve khawaarij (khaváridzs).
a szalafik nem = khwaarij.
egyszerre nem lehetsz a kettő.
Shaykh ul-Islaam Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhaab (rahimahullaah) nevének tisztázása.
sok jó link itt: [link]
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a khawaarij szektáról pedig itt olvashatsz bővebben:
[link] at/allarticles.aspx
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