Ki volt az Orosz főparancsnok Szurovikin előtt, Ukrajnában ?
# MDaniel98
Alekszandr Lapin tábornok milyen szintű parancsnok volt ?
Ő "vezette" a Közép Hadseregcsoportot, ami Harkovnál, Izjumnál és Limánnál megalázóan és teljesen indokolatlanul megfutott.
Ő elég magas rendfokozatú ? Vagy alatta volt Dvornyikovnak ?
Meg is lett a válasz, köszönöm szépen !
On 10 April 2022, Dvornikov was placed in complete charge of military operations during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[4][15] Before his appointment, there had not been a single military leader for all Russian forces; he had been one of several in charge of various fronts.[4]
On 3 June 2022 it was reported by the open-source intelligence group Conflict Intelligence Team, citing Russian soldiers, that Dvornikov had been replaced by Colonel General Gennady Zhidko in command of the invasion.[16] However, on 5 June Ukrainian governor of Luhansk Oblast Serhiy Haidai said Dvornikov was still in command and had been given until 10 June by his superiors to complete the Battle of Severodonetsk.[17]
On 25 June, it was again reported that Dvornikov had been dismissed from his post.[18]
On 8 October 2022 the Russian Defence Ministry named Air Force General Sergei Surovikin as the overall commander of Russian forces fighting in Ukraine without naming who Surovikin was replacing.[19]
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