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A CEU-n miért tanítanak ilyeneket?

Figyelt kérdés

Communism and Gender: Historical and Global Perspectives

"Many millions of women and men gave their lives in the struggles to establish or defend socialist or communist states. These states provided their male and female citizens with legal, social and economic rights and security that many people are lacking nowadays. For millions of people around the world, the Soviet Union was a land of hope. The Soviet Union had achieved impressive economic growth by the 1950s, it promoted women’s emancipation, anti-racism and anti-colonialism, and supported progressive movements worldwide."

"This course will therefore explore what happens to mainstream narratives about the history of communism if we go beyond the still common Eurocentric, androcentric and gender-blind focus and include questions about women and women’s organizations, gender and “race” in this history;"

"In part 4 we will again move beyond Europe and explore the contribution of communist thinkers, activists, movements and countries to the worldwide struggles against capitalism, colonialism and racism, women’s contributions to these struggles, and the intersectional thinking advanced by some of them."


2017. márc. 31. 00:38
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 21/22 anonim ***** válasza:
#20 Pont annyi értelme lenne, mint ennek a kurzusnak.
2017. ápr. 1. 13:23
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 22/22 anonim ***** válasza:
Azért, mert azt középiskolában tanítják. De tudom, te még nem érettségiztél.
2017. ápr. 1. 13:40
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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