A buddha valóban javasolta mantrák recitálását? Amennyiben igen, melyik szútrában lehet erről olvasni?
A Buddha élt, létezett, tanított, valós, történelmi személy volt.
Tanításait a buddhizmus örökíti tovább.
Tehát egy buddhista pap szerint pont úgy lettek leírva Buddha tanításai, ahogy azok elhangzottak. A mohamedánok szerint a Korán pont úgy lett leírva, ahogy Gábriel kijelentette. Majdnem ugyanaz a kettő, csak a Korán esetén az első írásos forrás néhány évtizeddel Mohamed halála után jelenik meg, Buddha esetében néhány évszázaddal későbbiek vannak.
Szóval engem történelmi forrás érdekelt volna, nem egy buddhista pap hite.
Buddhista vagy?
Richard Gomrich nem pap, és nem is buddhista.
A felsorolt tudósok mind buddhológusok és indológusok.
Eleve miféle papról beszélsz?
A buddhizmus szerzeteseket szentel fel.
Lehet ám lejjebb is menni, bár ezek szerint te nem tekertél lejjebb... Mindegy...
Honnan vetted, hogy indiai volt?
Szaka volt. Ez egy kelet-ázsiai, délkelet-ázsiai szkíta népesség volt, és a mai Nepál területén született. Később Indiába települt át, tanítványai pedig nagyrészt indiaiak voltak.
Történelmi tény, igazolható, bizonyos, hogy egy valós személy volt, aki ennek a népnek az uralkodójelöltje volt, azonban a fényűzés helyett szerzetes lett és tanítani kezdett.
A Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskolán is így tanítják, ezért így is van. Amit az egyházak tanítanak, az mindig igaz.
"Several scholars of early Buddhism argue that the nucleus of the Buddhist teachings in the Pali Canon may derive from Gautama Buddha himself, but that part of it also was developed after the Buddha by his early followers. Richard Gombrich says that the main preachings of the Buddha (as in the Vinaya and Sutta Pitaka) are coherent and cogent, and must be the work of a single person: the Buddha himself, not a committee of followers after his death.[b][31]
Other scholars are more cautious, and attribute part of the Pali canon to the Buddha's early followers. Peter Harvey[32] also states that "much" of the Pali Canon must derive from the Buddha's teaching, but also states that "parts of the Pali Canon clearly originated after the time of the Buddha."[c] A.K. Warder has stated that there is no evidence to suggest that the shared teaching of the early schools was formulated by anyone else than the Buddha and his immediate followers.[d] J.W. de Jong has said it would be "hypocritical" to assert that we can say nothing about the teachings of earliest Buddhism, arguing that "the basic ideas of Buddhism found in the canonical writings could very well have been proclaimed by him [the Buddha], transmitted and developed by his disciples and, finally, codified in fixed formulas."[34]
Alex Wynne has said that some texts in the Pali Canon may go back to the very beginning of Buddhism, which perhaps include the substance of the Buddha's teaching, and in some cases, maybe even his words.{{refn|group=lower-alpha|name=fnt4|"If some of the material is so old, it might be possible to establish what texts go back to the very beginning of Buddhism, texts which perhaps include the substance of the Buddha's teaching, and in some cases, maybe even his words". He suggests the canon was composed early on soon after Buddha's paranirvana, but after a period of free improvisation, and then the core teachings were preserved nearly verbatim by memory.[35] Hajime Nakamura writes that while nothing can be definitively attributed to Gautama as a historical figure, some sayings or phrases must derive from him.[36]"
"Most scholars do agree that there was a rough body of sacred literature that a relatively early community maintained and transmitted.[37][e]
Much of the Pali Canon is found also in the scriptures of other early schools of Buddhism, parts of whose versions are preserved, mainly in Chinese. Many scholars have argued that this shared material can be attributed to the period of Pre-sectarian Buddhism.[citation needed] This is the period before the early schools separated in about the fourth or third century BCE.
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