Kinek van igaza?
There was a slight disagreement between me and my friends. In the South park episode S4E4 there is a scene when "Joe the blacksmith" opens the door and the guy asks: Joe the blacksmith? And the answer is: The same. In my opinion, Joe is a silly man, so he means: "me too". My friends are saying he means: yes, I am.
Which one do you think is right?
Magyarul ez úgy nézett ki, hogy:
-Joe a kovács?
-Magam is.
De régiesen az angolban valóban használják ezt a "the same" dolgot, de a kovács, mivel eléggé buta, szerintem simán helyénvaló a magyar fordítás is, különben meg semmi vicces nem lenne benne :D

Sorry, your friends win. Your opinion is wrong. It means nothing like "me too".
Also, it does not need to be funny. Not every single sentence in South Park is meant to be funny
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