Hogy vannak a következő mondatok angolul? Megpróbáltam lefordítani egy részüket, de még nem megy elég jól. Kijavítanátok?
Én is így gondolom.
I think so, too.
Ma már nem fogom befejezni.
I’m not going to finish it today.
Arra nem is gondoltál, hogy ez veszélyes.
You don’t even think of that is dangerous
Ma nem lesz korán vacsora.
We won’t have an early dinner today.
Még sokáig tart odaérnünk.
It still takes a long time to get there.
Ti se bíztok benne már,hogy sikerülhet?
Don’t you believe it could succeed either?
Ne vegyek neked egy tábla csokoládét?
Shall I buy you a chocolate bar.
Miért nem látok most semmit?
Why can’t I see anything now?
Természetesen mi is gondoltunk erre.
Of course we also thought about that.
Korábban arra is gondoltunk, hogy..
We also thought that before,that..
1. I think so.
2. I won't/'m not going to finish it today.
3. You haven't thought about the fact that it is dangerous .
4. There won't be an early dinner today.
5. It still takes a long time to get there.
6. Are you also not believing that it could be succesful? (nem biztos, hogy ez a legjobb erre)
7. Shall I buy you a bar of chocolate
8. Why I can't see anything right now?
9. Obviously we also thought about it.
10. Previously we also thought about...
Ezeket sikerült most este így kitalálnom. Még egy fontos dolog, hogy that elé soha nem rakunk vesszőt!

You didn’t even think it was dangerous.
There won’t be an early dinner today.
It will still take us a while to get there.
Don’t you all believe that it could still be a success either?
Should I buy a block of chocolates?
Why Can I not see anything now?
Naturally, we thought about that too.
Earlier, we were thinking about that...

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