Ezt a hosszabb "választ" valaki lefordítaná nekem angolra?
Egy angol nyelvű barátomnak szeretném továbbítani, de őszintén fogalmam sincs, hogy nézne ki angolul.:
nekem ma jutott eszembe hogy Voldemort él tanuló volt és a tanárok körében is nagy népszerűségnek örvendett
egy ember volt aki nem bízott benne, Dumbledore
az iskola után a Burgin & Burkes-ben dolgozott, amit az ismerősei nem értettek, hiszen a Roxfort egyik legjobb tanulója volt az elmúlt évtizedek alatt
Persze a munkát nem gondolta komolyan, és ott léte alatt szerezte meg Hugrabug Helga aranykelyhét
Az előző válaszoló írta jól
Voldemortnak nagy rajongótábora volt, hiszen sok mardekáros diák felnézett rá
Igazándiból ők voltak az első halálfalók akik később vele harcoltak
Az iskolában valószínűleg inkább csak mindannyian mutattak egy élénk érdeklődést a fekete-mágia iránt, illetve ugyanazokat a mugli-irtás és vértisztítás elveket vallották, ahogy azt az aranyvérűek szokták (azok közül inkább azok akik a Mardekárba jártak, a Weasley családot pl. vérárulónak tartották)
today occurred to me that Voldemort an edge was learning and enjoyed big popularity among the teachers
there was a man who did not trust him, Dumbledore
after the school Burgin & Burkes-ben, which his acquaintances did not understand, worked, since it was one of Roxfort top student under past decades
Did not take the work seriously of course, and got Hugrabug Helga gold chalice under his existence there
The previous respondent wrote it well
His fan camp was big for Voldemort, since much mardekáros a student looked up to him
They were made of real one the first one haláldevouring who fought with him later
In the school all of them showed a lively interest for the coffee magic only rather presumably, concerning the same ones the mugle clearing and blood cleaning principles declared, as the ones with gold blood got accustomed to it (they rather they who Mardekárba beaten, Weasley family pl. it was considered a blood betrayer) Remélem, sok csokival dobsz meg ezért! :)
It occured to me today that Voldemort was a top student and the teachers liked him, and only one person didn't trust him, Dumbledore. Voldemort worked at Borgin & Burkes after school, and people didn't understand why, since he was one of the best students at Hogwarts. Of course, he didn't take the job seriously, he just wanted to seize the cup of Helga Hufflepuff.
The previous answer is correct
Voldemort had many fans, since many Slytherins looked up to him.
Actually, they were the first Death Eaters who fought on his side later on.
Probably all of them were interested in dark magic in school, and they had the same anti-muggle, blood purificating principles as most purebloods did (mostly those who where in Slytherin, but e.g. the Weasleys were considered blood-traitors)
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