Valaki le tudná nekem pontosan fordítani ezeket a mondatokat, angolra?
Ne ítélkezz mások felett, hogy feletted se ítélkezzenek.
A legjobb érzés, mikor csalónak neveznek, de te tudod magadról, hogy nem vagy az!
Amint megtanulsz bízni magadban, megtanulsz élni!
Akinek látszunk, arról mindenki ítélhet, amilyenek valójában vagyunk, arról senki sem!
Az ember akkor a legmagányosabb, amikor sokan vannak körülötte, de nincs ott az az egy, aki igazán számít!

Judge not, and you shall not be judged.
The best feeling is when you are called a cheat, but deep down you know you are not.
As soon as you learn to trust in yourself, you start living.
Anyone can judge from how we look on the outside, but nobody can judge our true inner selves.
One is most lonely surrounded by many people but the one who truly counts isn't there.

Az én verzióm:
Don't judge others, so you won't be judged.
The best feeling is when you are called a fraud, but you know, you are not.
As soon as you learn to trust yourself, you learn to live.
Anybody can judge us by what meets their eye, but no one can judge our true self.
Someone is the loneliest when surrounded by many, but not by the one who truly matters.
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