Valaki kijavitana ezt az angol levelet?
Hi Oliver!
Thank you for your letter. How are you?
Yes, last summer I said that I was going to change school. So I am writing to inform you about my new school.
My new school is a very very exciting place, I like it very much. Is bigger than my old school and is full with kind people. Here the atmosphere is calm and all day is not stress. The classrooms are more bigs and here we have laboratorium of gyeography, biology and fizika. Out we have a big gyim and footballpálya. We have bigs corridors too. So this school is more perfect than my old school.
I have made many friends here . The student are very kinds with me. In the pauses we go out together, talk or we go together to buffet to buy food.
I like very much this school and I am happy that I come here.
That is all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Your friend, Martin .
more bigger
big corridors
Több hiba is van még.
It is bigger than...
A full nem megy with-el szerintem.
Mi az, hogy is not stress? :)
Ha választ írok, nem látom, az előző mit írt már meg, a szenilitás meg nem engedi az emlékezést, szóval itt abbahagyom. :)
Alacsony szintre helyeztél...
Mi az, hogy is not stress? :) Ez nem azt jelenti, hogy nem tudom, mit óhajtottál kifejezni, ez azt jelenti, hogy: ez a szerkezet sem jó.
Most komolyan?! Mirol beszelsz???? Legalabb magyarul tudod h kit jelent a stressz????? Stressz=feszültség, nyomás.
Angolul meg stress=stressz, feszültség, nyomás . Tehát=> Ebben az iskolában nincs feszültség/stressz.=In this school is not stress.
Mit nem lehet ezen felfogni?
Na, mi történt veled? Lekopott a civilizáció? Itt segítek, aztán erre ez a stílus...
Írom másképpen: nyelvtanilag nem helyes az a félmondat!
Hi Oliver!
Thank you for your letter. How are you?
Yes, last summer I said I was going to change schools. So I am writing to inform you about my new school. My new school is a very, very exciting place, I like it very much. IT IS (vagy It's /de nem csak is/) bigger than my old school and is full OF kind people. The atmosphere here is calm and the days are less stressful. (Én így mondanám. Olyan nincs, hogy is not stress. Legfeljebb 'there is no stress' de az angol ilyet nem mond). The classrooms are BIGGER and we have laboratories of geography, biology and physics. Outside we have a big GYM and a football field. The corridors are big too. So this school is better (more perfect... nem esik kézre) than my old school.
I have made many friends here. The students are very kind TO me. During the breaks, we go outside ('go out' az kifejezésként azt jelenti, hogy elmész otthonról pl. a városba szórakozni) together to talk, or to the buffet to buy food.
I like this school very much and I'm happy that I came here.
That is all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Your friend, Martin.
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