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Sutton Hoo

Sutton Hoo is a famous archaeological site in Suffolk in England, not far from the town of Woodbridbe.

It is a burial site- a place where ancient people put dead bodies- and archaeologists think it was used in the 7th century. Archaeologists started to dig on the site in 1939 and the found many interesting things which gave them useful inforation about a period of British history that they didn't know much about.

No one was surprised that they found a burial site at Sutton Hoo. People already knew that there were a lot of small hills called mounds in the area, and they knew that the Anglo-Saxons made these mounds when they buried their dead. But they were surprised by what they found when they dug up the biggest mound. They were amazed to discover a whole ship, or boat, which was about 27 metres long. They did not find a dead body, though, and this puzzled them for a time. But then they used chemical tests which showed that there used to be a body. However, over the centuries it decomposed into nothing.

The Sutton Hoo site is now open to the public. Not very many foreign tourists go to that part of England. However, when they are in London, they can go to the British Museum where they can see a lot of the objects from Sutton Hoo and read about its history.

Nagyon köszönöm ^^

2015. febr. 27. 12:42
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:
Sutton Hoo egy híres régészeti lelőhely. A régészek szerint ezt a temetőt a 7. században használták. Sírdombok vannak ezen a területen. Az egyikben találtak egy 27 méteres hajót egészben. Test nem volt. Később rájöttek, hogy volt test is, csak teljesen semmivé bomlott. A közönség is látogathatja, de nem túl sok külföldi megy oda. A British Museumban is van egy csomó lelet innen.
2015. febr. 27. 18:17
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm. Amúgy most már tudom szóról szóra :)
2015. febr. 28. 14:36

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