Valaki lefordítaná ezt nekem?
Nagyon hamar itt az esküvő! El sem hiszem. Nagyon érdekes az egész. Sanyit és Ildit (Kovács) is ismerem 14 éve. Mindkettőt azélőtt ismertem, mielőtt összejöttek volna. Láttam őket minden szituációban az elmúlt évek alatt. Láttam jót és rosszat is, de mindig mellettük voltam. Nagyon szeretem őket, és a legjobbat kívánom nekik. :)
Olyanok vagyunk, mint egy nagy család. De ezt a Balatonon láthattad.....
Minden fotót meg fogsz kapni! :)
Nagyon sajnálom, hogy nem tudsz jönni az esküvőre. Jó lett volna, ha itt vagy! Megláttad volna, milyen egy igazi magyar esküvő és a lakodalom! ;)
Hatalmas gondolom ez mindenhol így van!
Mi jót csinálsz majd a hétvégén?

gondolom angolra kell
The wedding will be here so soon! I can't believe it. This whole thing is so interesting. I have known Sanyi and Ildi too for 14 years now. I got to know them before they had come together. I have seen them in all possible situations for the last years. I have seen good things as well as bad things, but I have always been there for them. I love them a lot and I wish them the best! :)
We are like a big family together. You could see it at Lake Balaton too...
You are going to receive every single photo! :)
I am so sorry that you can't be there at the wedding. It would have been so good if you had been able to be here! You could have seen what a typical hungarian wedding is like ;)
It is a huge party... but I am sure that it is the same everywhere!
What are you going to do at the weekend?
The wedding say will be here here in no time! It's all very interesting. I've known both Sanyi and Ildi (Kovacs) for the past 14 years. I've known them even before they become an item. I've seen them in every situation in the past few years. I've seen good and bad as well, but I've always been there for them. I love them so much and I wish the very best to them :)
We are like a big family. But you have seen it at Lake Balaton...
You will receive all of the photos! :)
I am really sorry that you cannot attend the wedding. It would have been so good to have you here! You could have seen what's a real Hungarian wedding looks like! ;)
It's a huge party... But I think it's like the same everywhere!
What are you up to this weekend?
Valahogy elgepeltem, ugyhogy az elso mondat megegyszer:
The wedding day will be here in no time!
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