Valaki lefordítána? Nagyon fontos!
Próbáltam a Google Fordítóval és a WebFordítóval is, de nem nagyon lehet értelmezni. Eleinte még érhető, de utánna elvesztem a fonalat. Köszönöm szépen.
Thanks for getting in touch with us! When you leave the RPM Network, you retain the ability to utilize content from the AudioMicro music library on EXISTING videos. This means you will not need to remove videos that contain the licensed music, but you will not be permitted to upload additional content using music from the library. You also may not apply music licensed during the partnership to additional videos. Once the partnership has been terminated, you are no longer allowed to access or utilize music from the library in any way except described above. I hope this helps answer your question. If there's anything else I can help you out with, just respond to this message.

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