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Mit jelent pontosan az alábbi szöveg?

Figyelt kérdés

"In the creative and insightful book The Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque,

for instance, Gilles Deleuze recounts his fascination with Leibniz’s interests

in fluidity, elasticity, and spirit (passion). Deleuze’s notion of the fold

contrasts starkly with Cartesian investments in line as an analytical, punctual

equation and in projection as the culmination or end point of reason

(a legacy that finds its culmination in the Hegelian spectacle of mind). The

fold appears to Deleuze as

'a flexible or an elastic body [that] still has cohering parts that form a fold,

such that they are not separated into parts of parts but are rather divided to

infinity in smaller and smaller folds that always retain a certain cohesion.

Thus a continuous labyrinth is not a line dissolving into independent

points, as flowing sand might dissolve into grains, but resembles a sheet of

paper divided into infinite folds or separated into bending movements, each

one determined by the consistent or conspiring surroundings.'"

2013. márc. 1. 20:43
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