Angol. Helyes ez így?
I think I’m an open-minded, easy going girl, who just wants to enjoy the life. I lived for a year in France and I learnd a lot about the world and about myself too. I always wanted to see the world and at this time i really beginn to do this. I found some friends and we travelld a lot in more countrys in europe. I realy enjoyed this time.
Now I’m at home (in Hungary) again, I’m studying, but if i have some free time i just take my backpack and i travel.

1. mondat : Jo.
2. I lived in france for a year and I learned a lot about the world and myself as well. (vagy too, ez elott vesszo)
Vagy ..about the world so as about myself.
3. Nem nagyon ertem mit akarsz mondani. ELkezdted, vagy most fogod? De ha fogod: I've alwazs wanted to see the world and I am going to do that this time (from now).
4. Hogy talaltal baratokat? Marmint ismeroseidet kerted meg vagy osszehaverkodtal veluk. Ha az utolso, akkor
I've made a few friends and we travellEd a couple of/many countries around in Europe. (a more-t akkor hasznalod, ha osszehasonlitasz vmit: tobb orszagot jartam be, mint te. Tobb gyumolcsot rakjon a zsakba, kerem)
5. Jo. de talan a that jobb lenne
6. I study (mert a studying az ebben a pillanatban) but when I get some spare time I just grab my backpack and go for the next adventure. (az az and I travel olyan snassz)

Neee, az 1. mondat helyett legyen már valami eredeti. Például ilyesmi:
At the beginning you have to know the truth about myself, I am the most selfish girl in the world.

Hat, igy biztos sokat segitesz neki fejlodni.
Amugy ezt a mondatot se At the beginning -el kezdik..

Szívesen :)
Miért hogyan kezdik? Ha annyira tudod magyarázd is el.

A hossz valaszt en irtam. Szivesen.
Ha van kerdesed, irj!
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