Ez az angol fogalmazás helyes?
A kedvenc helyemről kellett írnom, kérlek nézzétek át, ha találtok hibát jelezzétek:
Henry David Thoreau once said, “I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in Nature, which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.” Like all transcendentalists, Thoreau believed that all of life’s questions could be answered through nature. Nature consists of many beautiful things – trees, flowers, butterflies, animals, sunsets, etc. Personally, out of all these extraordinary natural elements of the world, the beach, especially during sunset, is my favorite place in nature. Giving me mixed feelings when there, the beach at sunset is my most favorite place in nature because of its beautiful colors, peaceful and relaxing mood, and as it reminds me of what I am thankful for in life.
Firstly, the colors from the beautiful sunset and any beach are amazing and appalling. They constantly change from red or pink, to yellow, or orange or peach, even to purple as the sun sinks further and further over the horizon. In my opinion, I believe these colors are very vibrant and alive than anywhere else in this world. After witnessing numerous sunsets at many different beaches, I can indubitably state that every sunset has its unique effect that blows my mind away.
Furthermore, the beach at sunset sets a peaceful, soothing and relaxing mood for me. The changing colors are so peaceful that they make me feel good in the inside. When staring at the sunset, I feel relaxed and care-free, forgetting all my worries and focusing just on the scene in front of my astonished eyes. The colors of the evening sky change as the sun sinks down, creating a soothing mood. My whole body just seems to feel lighter as I lay in the sand staring up in space at the beautiful and extraordinary scenery.
Finally, the beach at sunset is my favorite place in nature because it reminds me of all the things I am thankful for in life. After looking at the splendid sky with great glorification and awe, I cannot help but think about the Almighty, Creator of this bewildered sunset.
Jó lesz?

Nagyon sok a felesleges vessződ. Az angol nem rak szinte sehova (van pár kivétel, pl a however,furthermore és although után, az if-es tagmondat elé, a too elé, stb) tehát tökre felesleges az első mondatban az első kettő például. Nem sorolom fel a többit,de a tanultaid alapján ki tudod javítani(biztos tanultad,kb mindenki tanulja).
Fogalmazás beli hiba szerintem nincs. Vagyis nem vagyok angol tanár,de nem látok. Max annyit javítanék,hogy az "in life" helyett in my life-ot írnék, jobban hangzik.
Vagyis de, van az a mondatod,hogy "I believe these colors are very vibrant and alive than anywhere else in this world" ---> ott a than,tehát összehasonlító mondat, kell bele fokozás. Az alive-ot bár fokozni nem birod,de a vibrantot igen.
A másik: After witnessing.... ez így nem jó szntem... azt ugy kellene, hogy after being the witness of....
Ha tévedtem,persze javítsatok ki, nincs tanári diplomám :)

Ha anglisztikára jársz, akkor nem lennék elájulva ha meg nem akkor tényleg jó.
1. Nature consists of many beautiful things – trees, flowers, butterflies, , animals, sunsets, etc.
>> Nature consists of many beautiful things. Trees, flowers, butterflies, , animals, sunsets.
(gondolatjelet nem nagyon szokatak használni, az etc. nem szokták ilyen fogalmazás szerű dologban használni, csúnya.)
2. Personally, out of all these extraordinary natural elements of the world, the beach, especially during sunset, is my favorite place in nature.
nem out of hanem from, nem elemetnts, f[leg mert a tengerpart az nem az, az in nature nem kell a v;g;re, az magyarul van, hogy a természetben
3. Giving me mixed feelings when there, the beach at sunset is my most favorite place in nature because of its beautiful colors, peaceful and relaxing mood, and as it reminds me of what I am thankful for in life.
Giving me mixed feelings, ez nagyon nem idevaló, the beach at sunset helyett sunset beach, és the sincs, megint in nature,
4. Firstly, the colors from the beautiful sunset and any beach are amazing and appalling.
nem firstly, hanem first, de inkább first of all, nem colors from hanem colors of, nem the hanem a sunset, az amazing és az appaling furcsha együtt, lélegzetelállító és tetszetős
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