Lefordítaná ezt valaki? FONTOS!
Ezt írta valaki nekem YouTube-on, és nem tudom lefordítani!
Ha valaki lefordítaná, az nagyon szépen megköszönném!
Im astonished
I just finished watching one your videos ( http://www.youtube.com/**********9RKmuQ), just wanted to take a minute to let you know I thought it was great!
When I was looking through your videos I couldn't help noticing that not many people are watching them.
Honestly, you have some of the best videos on YouTube. Can't believe more people haven't found them.
Your videos are so much more entertaining that most of crap you find on some people's channels, thanks a ton for that!
Your videos are really a breath of fresh air. They are so much better than so much of the garbage that people watch over and over.
Sometimes making a good video just isn't enough. I know, I used to spend so much time making my YouTube videos and then have no one watch them. That all changed when I found
What they did was send a ton of viewers to my video. It really was quite genius. It helped my videos get ranked in some of the YouTube �most watched� lists and really grabbed the attention of the YouTube community.

Előbb agyondícséri a videódat, aztán azt mondja, hogy látta, milyen kevesen nézték meg, és az általa küldött honlap segítségével óriási nézettséget lehet elérni.

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