Hogy vannak ezek a mondatok angolul? - ha bármiben segíthetek szólj nyugodtan! - itt találod a bögréket -néha nem tudom majd magam kifejezni, de remélem megtudod érteni mire gondolok - hogy érzed magad itt? Később szívesen vissza jössz majd ide?
1. If I can help you anything, just/please tell me.
2. You can find the mugs here.
3. Sometimes I can express myself hardly about what I want to say, but I hope that you will understand my words.
4. How do you feel yourself here?
5. Will you come back here lately with pleasure?
Lehet így például:
Let me know if I can help you.
Here can you find the mugs.
Sometimes I can't express myself but I hope you can understand what I mean.
How do you feel (about) being here?
Do you want to come back later here?
Na majd jönnek mások is segíteni, engem is kijavíthatnak. Több mód is lehet persze ezeknek a kifejezésére.
Let me know if I can help you.
You can find some mugs over here.
It's hard to express my thoughts sometimes but I do hope you understand what I mean.
Are you all right here?
Would you like to come back later on?
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