Hogy mondanád angolul a következőket?
-Nekünk holnap negyed hétkor kell kelni és utána elmenni a boltba!
-Kedden jött meg a jogosítványom!
-kefires csirke

We have to get up at quarter past six tomorrow and then go to the shop.
My driving licence arrived on Tuesday.
Chicken with yoghurt

Tomorrow we need to get up at quarter past six, then go to the shop.
My driver-card will be there on Tuesday.
chicken with kefir

Tomorrow, we'll have to get up at 7:00 then go to the shop/grocery store/super market/etc.
I got me driving license on Tuesday!/My driving license arrived on Tuesday!
chicken with yogurt(nincs "h"!)

In English, there are several variations of the spelling of the word. In Australia and New Zealand, "yoghurt" prevails. In the United Kingdom, "yoghurt" and "yogurt" are both current, "yogurt" being more common on product labels, and "yoghourt" is an uncommon alternative. In the United States, "yogurt" is the usual spelling and "yoghurt" a minor variant. In Canada, "yogurt" is most common among English speakers, but many brands use "yogourt," since it is an acceptable spelling in both official languages.
Whatever the spelling, the word is usually pronounced with a short o (/ˈjɒɡət/) in the UK, with a long o (/ˈjoʊɡərt/) in North America, Australia, Ireland and South Africa, and with either a long or short o in New Zealand.

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