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Ezt a fogalmazást le tudnád fordítani?

Figyelt kérdés

During my freshman year of highschool, I moved suddenly to California, leaving the FRHS class of 2011 behind. I knew I’d miss out on a lot of momentous milestones, but I didn’t think I was a prom person anyway. my bestfriend & I both have been through a lot the last few years. from being targeted, cutdown everyday in Hollywood powerstruggles, hiding behind smiles, to celebrating every achievement in her mom & brother’s battles against their cancers. then with Prom approaching, we saw that, even though we’ve all been walking different paths, everyone’s learning. maybe they’re hundreds of separate battles; for something, against something, but we’re all fighting. relationships grow; some people leave, some are taken, some make their ways inside our walls, and some break their way out. hearts have been discovered, softened, broken, mended. as seniors, these last four years are about growing, learning, changing, and preparing for our futures. so whether we’re sitting in class, running down a football field, holding a hand in the hospital, or marching down Hollywood Blvd… we’ve all been through some major things these past few years. and tonight, I came back to my school to celebrate alongside 500 warriors on paths of their own.

“Better Days” -Goo Goo Dolls “Who You Are” -Jessie J

we laughed about the people we’ve been, reminisced our way through a slideshow, and danced into the next seasons of life. it’s scary to say goodbye to the places you’ve called home, but I guess that’s the point of prom. a night like tonight sorta gives you permission to close the door behind you, and walk through the windows left open, or the passageways you’ve made.

2011. máj. 14. 16:36
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Igen, le tudnám.
2011. máj. 14. 17:19
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 A kérdező kommentje:
és...esetleg le is fordítanád nekem??
2011. máj. 14. 17:59
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

webfordító+ alakítgatod


leírod magad+ kijavítom

Más verzió nincs!

2011. máj. 15. 11:02
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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