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Ez a szöveg helyes? Mik benne a hibák?

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Tudom, hogy van hiba bőven ebben a szövegbe, kérlek írjátok le, hogy mik ezek, szükségem lenne rá!

My daughter, the Death

Rosie never thought, that her perfect life can turn to a nightmare under a simple moment: the night, when her housban disappear, her little daughter born in a very hard and painful way. It’s the first time, she starts to think about the questions, she can’t answer: what happeden on that day? But Rosie remembers, George never told about his past, and she can’t calm down because of it. But there is one more strange thing in her life: her little daughter, Mira.

How the child growing, something always stranger. Mira always there, if something bad happening, and not a long time after the people see this. The beautiful, but dark glanced little girl keeps everybody in scare. Rosie can’t get out of her watching Mira’s unusual spirit, but she see, her daughter don’t understand, what happening around her. But on a dark night the city awake to a scary thing: somebody died. A young women on her first night after wedding. But just one person saw: Mira. It is the last drop in the glass of the city. The people take the six years old little girl and her mother to witches, so they must leave. Rosie never thought, there is a side of the world, where she can’t walk next to anybody without scare and shyness, and where she just trust in herself. But on that night she remembers the terrible, past memories: her housband’s disappearing, and everything what happened on the day, when Mira born. And the women step by step going to a secret, old world, where the greatest danger is next to her in all the moments of the day: Mira.

Előre is köszönöm!

2011. ápr. 15. 18:36
 1/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Bocsi, szövegben.
2011. ápr. 15. 18:36
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:


leírom mondatról mondatra, hogy gondolom - első a te mondataid, alatta idézőjelben az enyémek.

My daughter, the Death

Rosie never thought, that her perfect life can turn to a nightmare under a simple moment: the night, when her housban disappear, her little daughter born in a very hard and painful way.

„Rosie never thought that her perfect life can turn into a nightmare in a flash: the night when her husband disappeared and her little daughter was born in a very hard and painful way.”

It’s the first time, she starts to think about the questions, she can’t answer: what happeden on that day?

„It was the first time she started to think about the questions she couldn't answer: about what happened on that day.”

But Rosie remembers, George never told about his past, and she can’t calm down because of it.

„But Rosie remembered that George had never talked about his past, and she couldn’t calm down because of it.” („Talked” helyett lehet „told her anything” is.)

But there is one more strange thing in her life: her little daughter, Mira.

"But there was one more strange thing in her life: her little daughter, Mira."

How the child growing, something always stranger.

„How the child was growing, she became more and more stranger.” (Ha azt akarod kifejezni, hogy „ahogyan a gyermek növekedett, valahogy egyre furcsább lett”.)

Mira always there, if something bad happening, and not a long time after the people see this.

„Mira was always there if something bad happened, and not much after the people had seen that.”

The beautiful, but dark glanced little girl keeps everybody in scare.

„The beautiful but dark-glanced little girl kept scaring everybody.”

Rosie can’t get out of her watching Mira’s unusual spirit, but she see, her daughter don’t understand, what happening around her.

(Itt nem igazán értettem, mit akartál kifejezni. Ha azt, hogy Rosie nem tudja figyelmen kívül hagyni, akkor „Rosie couldn’t get away from Mira’s unusual spirit, but she saw her daughter didn’t understand what was happening around her.”

But on a dark night the city awake to a scary thing: somebody died.

„But on a dark night the city woke up to a scary thing: somebody had died.”

A young women on her first night after wedding.

„A young women on the first night after her wedding.”

But just one person saw: Mira.

„But just one person saw it: Mira.”

It is the last drop in the glass of the city.

„It was the last straw for the city.” (Az angol nem használja az „utolsó csepp a pohárban” kifejezést.)

The people take the six years old little girl and her mother to witches, so they must leave.

„The people accused the six-year-old little girl and her mother of being witches, so they had to leave.„ (Boszorkánysággal "vádolták", ezért az "accuse of".)

Rosie never thought, there is a side of the world, where she can’t walk next to anybody without scare and shyness, and where she just trust in herself.

„Rosie never thought there was a part of the world where she couldn’t walk by anybody without scare and shyness, and where she could only trust herself.”

But on that night she remembers the terrible, past memories: her housband’s disappearing, and everything what happened on the day, when Mira born.

„But on that night she remembered the terrible past memories: her husband’s disappearence and everything that happened on that day when Mira was born.”

And the women step by step going to a secret, old world, where the greatest danger is next to her in all the moments of the day: Mira.

„And the women came step by step closer to a secret old world where at every moment of the day she had the greatest danger next to her: Mira. (Itt szintén nem igazán tudtam, mit akartál kifejezni, a „secret old world” –résszel volt bajom, valahogy nem jön ki jól, hogy „titkos régi világhoz” közeledik a nő, de te tudod, mit akarsz, nem azért vagyok itt, hogy kritizáljalak, csak megjegyeztem.:))

Nem állítom, hogy az én megoldásom hibátlan, de remélem, segítettem. :)

2011. ápr. 15. 21:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Huh, köszönöm szépen, NAGYON sokat segítettél!
2011. ápr. 16. 05:43
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Nagyon jót írt az első, egyetlenegy helyen találtam hibát, de gondolom, csak figyelmetlenségből nem vette észre. Ahol azt írtad, hogy a women, az a woman, mivel a 'women' az a többesszám.
2011. ápr. 17. 10:20
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Tudom, erre én is rájöttem, amikor visszaolvastam. Köszönöm a válaszodat!
2011. ápr. 17. 10:36

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