Valaki le tudná fordítani nekem Hemingway: Soha ne légy szomorú című versét?
Tudod, Hemingway ezt angol nyelven írhatta, tehát, ha magyarul olvasod, akkor nem praktikus bárhogy bárkinek visszafordítani angolra, hanem az eredetihez kéne nyúlni.
Hacsak nem volt az öreg is titokban magyar.
Tuti nem Hemingway irta, de itt van.
Never be sad if reality is too harsh,
and don't be bitter if you can't find your place.
Real life is like a running stream,
Sometimes it's harder to keep up
If you can't find your purpose, don't feel sorry for yourself,
In time it'll be what you think it is
You could ask why we live, but there's no one to answer
Every day is a struggle that will last forever
If you're disappointed and you feel the waves are crashing
Think of all the people who would take your fate
Always look to the good and forget your mistakes,
If you accept yourself, life will be easier
If you can't see the light, the sun, open your eyes wider,
You've got a lot to live for
Always live for today and remember the eternal rule
Tomorrow's always clear, for it's not polluted by anything you've done.
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