Angolul mitől függ, hogy human-t, people-t vagy man-t használunk?
Human - ember, mint faj
People - emberek
Men - férfiak
A "human" leginkább azt hangsúlyozza, hogy emberi lény.. és nem más állat (vagy földönkívüli :D).
The human body is composed of about 60 percent water.
Every human being has the right to freedom from oppression.
A "people" több emberre utal vagy általánosan mindenkire:
We've invited 30 people to our party.
People like to be made to feel important.
Valamint olyan értelemben is használható a "people", hogy "nép/társadalom":
The French are known as a food-loving people.
Sőt, ilyenkor még többesszámba is tehető:
Customs similar to this one are found among many peoples of the world.
A "man" általában férfit jelent, de néha minden emberre is utalhatunk vele.
Steve can solve anything - the man's a genius.
The man from the newspaper wrote some positive things about the movie.
All men are equal in the sight of the law.
Man is rapidly destroying the earth.
This is one of the most dangerous substances known to man.
Human használata:
Dogs can hear much better, than humans.
Can the disease be passed from birds to humans?
More work is needed on the interface between humans and machines.
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