Kijavítanátok ezeket a helytelen, angol mondatokat lejjebb, kérlek?
1. Listening to the fly trapped in your room when it's summer
2. When someone you passionate about (crush) smiles to you
3. Watching the airport bustle while waiting for your plane
4. Waking up from a dream about your crush (a "crush"-t jó lenne egy szinonímával helyettesíteni :). )
5. The world around you when you have a fever
6. Waking up from a nightmare, realising, it wasn't for real and you're in safe in your bed
7. Finishing the last episode of your favorite show (again)
8. Seeing running out the last seconds of the Year, in New Year's Eve
9. Watching the moon and stars while trying to comprehend how big and far they are
10. When you're accident comment, unexpectedly to you, gets many likes
11. When it's raining and the sun is shining at the same time

1. ok
2. ... you ARE ...
3. hustle
4. love
5. ok
7. ok
8. A seeing is jó, de szerintem inkább watching-ot akartál írni
9. ok
10. accidental. A to you szerintem felesleges
11. ok

4. Waking up from a dream about your crush (a "crush"-t jó lenne egy szinonímával helyettesíteni :). )
Waking up from a dream about someone you admire/adore
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