Elolvasnátok és kijavítanátok ebben az angol levélben az esetleges hibákat?
Thank you for your letter, it’s nice to hear about what has been going on with you. Please forgive me for my delay in answering for your letter but I have been quite busy lately.
First of all, I just want to say a massive thank you for you invitation. It really appreciate it and it means me a lot because I know that you are very occupied and you have a lot of things to do.
It won’t be easy at all to get along with me because I have got a strong personality and I am not too opportunist. I am really wayward, lazy and touchy but at least I always help with the housework and I like cleanliness so I often clean the house in which I live.
I would like to improve my foreign language skills in Canada. In my opinion, my English is appropriate but it could be improved a little bit. On the other hand, my French is at a very low level and it’s almost useless at this level so I really need to develop it.
In addition, I’d like to learn some new things about the culture and history of Canada. It seems interesting to me, but I have to admit that don’t know too much about this country yet.
I have some question for you, first of all: Which type of clothes I should take with me? I ask it because I don’t know how the weather is in Canada in July. In addition, if we will go to more serious places like theatres and museums, then I should take more elegant clothes and more money with me.
Finally I let you know that I will be there at 2nd of July. I’d be happy if you inform me about where you will wait for me.
I must end now but I will write a longer letter next time. I am looking forward to your answer. Bye for now. Take care and write me soon.

"forgive me for my delay in answering for your letter" helyett" sorry for the late answer"
"for youR invitation"
"it means a lot" a me nem kell
"occupied" helyett "busy"
"appropriate" helyett "fair"
"don’t know too much about this country" yet nélkül
" I have some questionS for you"
"What kind of clothes should I take...?" és nem which type
"I am asking because..." szóval ez folyamatos
"I don't know what the weather is like in Canada"
"If we go to formal places like theatres and museums, I should take ..."
"I will be there ON the 2nd July" az "of" csak szóban kell
"I would be happy if you informED me..."
"I must FINISH now"
"Write TO me soon"
Kanadába sok meleg cuccot vigyél, még nyáron is hűvöskés. Ők nem érzik, de nekünk az hűvös. A nap meleg és szépen süt de reggel és este hűs van, kardigán, kis dzsekik, kabátkák jól jönnek. Télen meg vastag cucc, de azt a legjobb ott venni.
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