Kijavítanátok az angol fogalmazásom?
Szeptember óta tanulok angolt, és készítenem kell egy prezentációt London látványosságairól. Bemásolom ide az eddig megírt szövegemet a prezihez, kijavítanátok nekem?
London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom. This city has an enormous amount of spectacles and you have to visit them if you are there. If you spend there a short weekend you should see the Tower Bridge or for example the Westminster Abbey. In the first picture we can see the Tower Bridge what is a famous bridge which crosses the River Thames. And the Westminster Abbey formally called the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster is a large, mainly Ghotic church what was built in the 10th Century. I think this building is very beautiful. There are lots of museums in London, too. The National Gallery has more than 2300 pictures and paintings nowadays. There are some pictures by Hungarian artist in the museum, too. In the second picture you can see the Tate Britain. This buildup functioned as a prison house previously. It takes additional three buildings: the Tate Modern, the Tate Liverpool and the Tate St Ives. If you have a child you should visit the Natural History Museum what you can see in the first picture, the Science Museum in the second picture and the Golden Hinde in the last picture. The Golden Hinde was the flagship of Sir Francis Drake between 1577 and 1580. What you can see that's just the accurate copy of the original ship. On Saturdays a sailor dressed man tells about Sir Francis Drake to the children. And the Science Museum on this picture is the biggest science collection of the world. This museum is very popular ; it means approximately 2,7 million visitors annually. The Science Museum also organises Science Night. About 380 children aged between 8 and 11 spend an all night at the Museum and they have a lot of activities and exercises. They sleep at the Museum and when they wake up they have a breakfast and after it more exercises wait for them. In the National History Museum we can find lots of wonderful precious stones, plants and animals.

You have to visit helyett inkább you must visit.
A Westminster Abbey elé nem kell névelő.
A Tower Bridges mondatban which is a famous bridge on the river Thames. (nem keresztezi)
And-del nem elegáns komoly szövegben mondatot kezdeni. Az Abbey után ebbe a mondatba vessző. That was built és nem what was built.
by Hungarian artists
A Tate-ről: nem it takes, hanem it has 3 additional buildings
A N. H. Museumnál sem what a kötőszó, hanem that.
What (na ide jó a what!) you can see IS (nem that's)
... a man dressed up as a sailor
in this picture (ezt többször jól írtad)
Science Nights
spend a whole night
they have breakfast, kaják előtt nincs névelő
some more exercises, de inkább tasks, az exercise nagyon iskolai
They sleep in the museum
Amúgy jó a fogalmazás.

London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom. >
London is the capital of England and he United Kingdom.

This city has an enormous amount of spectacles and you have to visit them if you are there. >>
It has an enormous amount of spectacles you should visit when you are there.

If you spend there a short weekend you should see the Tower Bridge or for example the Westminster Abbey. >>
If you spend there a short weekend you should see the Tower Bridge or the Westminster Abbey.
Ezt is átnéznétek nekem ha van egy kis időtök? Fontos lenne! Előre is köszönöm.
London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom. This city has an enormous amount of spectacles and you must visit them if you are there. If you spend there a short weekend you should see the Tower Bridge or for example Westminster Abbey. In the first picture we can see the Tower Bridge what is a famous bridge which on the River Thames, and Westminster Abbey, formally called the Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster is a large, mainly Ghotic church that was built in the 10th Century. I think this building is very beautiful. There are lots of museums in London, too. The National Gallery has more than 2300 pictures and paintings nowadays. There are some pictures by Hungarian artists in the museum, too. In the second picture you can see the Tate Britain. This build-up functioned as a prison house previously. It has three additional buildings: the Tate Modern, the Tate Liverpool and the Tate St Ives. If you have a child you should visit the Natural History Museum that you can see in the first picture, the Science Museum in the second picture and the Golden Hinde in the last picture. The Golden Hinde was the flagship of Sir Francis Drake between 1577 and 1580. What you can see is just the accurate copy of the original ship. On Saturdays a man dressed up as a sailor tells about Sir Francis Drake to the children. And the Science Museum on this picture is the biggest science collection of the world. This museum is very popular ; it means approximately 2,7 million visitors annually. The Science Museum also organises Science Nights. About 380 children aged between 8 and 11 spend a whole night at the Museum and they have a lot of activities and exercises. They sleep in the Museum and when they wake up they have breakfast and after it more tasks wait for them. In the National History Museum we can find lots of wonderful precious stones, plants and animals. The most frequented park of London is the Kew Gardens. There are lots of colourful flowers and trees and a Chinese pagoda that was built to Princess Augusta. In the second picture the St. James’s Park is the most prior park of the Kingdom. It is surrounded with three buildings: Westminster that is the place of Parliament now, the St. James’s Palace and the Buckingham Palace. It doesn’t accident that it has about 6 million visitors because it’s the most beautiful park of Great Britain. Westminster Abbey apart, there are a lot of churches in London. For example in this picture the St. Paul’s Cathedral that is the 5th biggest church of the world or in the second picture the Southwark Cathedral that includes the Shakespeare Memorial. I think, London is a wonderful city with a great history and I would like to go there once in my life.
Spectacles of London

A hidas még mindig nem jó: ... the Tower bridge which is a famous bridge on the river Thames. A what általában nem használható vonatkozó névmásként, de ezt nehéz elmagyarázni.
Abból a mondatból, amiből kiszedettem az and-et, ne csinálj egy hosszú összetett mondatot, az úgy nem jön össze, hanem az and nélkül ott kezdd a mondatot, hogy Westminster Abbey.
A build-up legyen building, a build-up bővítést jelent.
Az in this picture-t egy helyen még on-nak hagytad.
of the world helyett in the world (első olvasásra nekem se tűnt fel minden hiba)
... that was built for Princess Augusta
A St James park elé nem kell névelő.
surrounded by (nem with)
the Parliament oda viszont kell
"It doesn't accident" ezt te se gondolod komolyan, annál te jobban tudsz angolul, az accident főnév. Azt lehet írni, hogy no wonder: nem csoda
W. A. apart: nem jó a szórend, az angolban nincs névutó. Apart from W.A.
Saint Paul's cathedral elé se kell névelő. Nézz utána a névelőhasználatnak egy nyelvtankönyvben vagy akár az interneten, nem olyan, mint a magyarban. Tesz oda, ahova mi nem, és nem tesz oda, ahova mi igen. A másik katedrális elé se kell névelő és megint of the world helyett in the world, nem birtokos, mint magyarul.
Biztos hamarosan el fogsz jutni Londonba, az iskolák is szoktak utat szervezni. Buszon alvással, bár nagyon fárasztó, nem égbeszökő az ár, persze így is több mint 100.000.
Nagyon szépen köszönöm a segítséget :)
Úgy néz ki, majd 11. osztályban valósul meg az álmom!

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