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Kijavítanátok ebben az angol szövegben a hibákat?

Figyelt kérdés

This summer started boringly.

In the first few weeks I was using my computer and watching tv so mostly I was at home.

I got bored of sitting at home quickly, I stirred from home soon because of this.

I roller-skated a lot, I was sunbathing, I rode a motorcycle with my friends and I took my dog for a walk.

One of the highlights of the summer when I was at a Formula-1 race. It was an amazing experience I will never forget.

More than 140000 people was there.

The noise was enormous, we needed to use earplugs and the weather was hot but these things belong to the race and heightened the mood .

Another very good part of the summer was when i and my parrents were on vacation in Croatia.

The vacation lasted for 10 days. We mostly just swam in the sea, and sunbathed but we had time to sightseeing too. I was diving and it was my first occasion and I loved it.

I hope the next summer will be so good as it was.

I can not wait.

Fontos lenne, előre is köszönöm :)

2012. szept. 9. 21:03
 1/2 anonim válasza:
Boring. (nem kell a ly) A sunbathing nem olyan szép, inkább a have-vel használd. A parents egy r, bár szerintem ez véletlen.. As good as it was. És Cannot egybe :)
2012. szept. 9. 21:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
És egyébként érthető meg minden? Nem írtam nagy hülyeségeket? Ezt holnap be kell adjam :D
2012. szept. 9. 21:28

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