Kijavítanátok ebben az angol szövegben a nyelvi hibákat?
Kellet itthon írni egy történetnek egy összefoglalót, megírtam, de nem tudom mennyi hiba van benne. Ha kijavítanátok az esetleges hibákat azt megköszönném :)
A family with five children lives in a pour district near Lima, where people are so pour that they live in cardboard boxes and plastic houses. The mother is not at home because se works in Madrid to earn money for the family. The father and the children miss the mother very much and the children kepp asking: „''When is she coming home“? The father is very depressed and he thinks that there is not sunshine when his wife is away. The father has not work, he stays home and looks after children because it is his responsibility to send the children to school. In this pour district of Peru a lot of children go to work or to beg in the streets, but this family thinks that education is very important. The father is very sad and he feels like crying but he does not want to cry infront of the children. He is asking himself the questions: „Why has not she called? Has she forgotten them? Perhaps she wants to stay.“
When the little girl gets up and steps trough the door a ray of sunshine breaks trough the clouds. They hear steps and a voice, but the sun is so bright that they can not see clearly. Veronica shouts out: Mamá! And with the sunshine the father˘s dream has come true.

where THE people
to cry IN FRONT of

"lives in a pour district"
live in a poor district
"people are so pour"
... poor
"hildren kepp asking"
keep asking
"there is not sunshine when"
even the sun doesn't shine
"The father has not work"
has no job / doesn't have a job / doesn't work
"infront of"
in front of, in the sight of
"He is asking himself the questions"
He is asking himself questions like
"breaks trough the clouds"
breaks through ...
Nagyon jól írsz angolul egyébként.

plusz a masodik mondatban she works es nem se works
amugy a gepelesi hibakat javithatod Wordben; jelold ki nyelvnek az angolt es click a helyesiras javitora :)
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