Lefordítjátok magyarra? -angol.
The Ultimate Antiglare Glasses
-Clear spectrum lenses eliminate glare
-See more clearly even in poor weather
-Fashionable design for men or women
-Nightvision makes illuminated obstacles clearer at night
As part of a nation-wide publicity campaign, Ambervision,the internationally popular brand of vision enhancement glasses,will 'give away' 10.000 pairs of its latest vision clearing - Nightvision - for the unbelievable publicity price of just $9.95 + $2.05 p&p* only to those persons who respond to this advertisement before Midnight,26th January,2008.
The Ultimate Antiglare Solution!
Even for the best of drivers,driving with poor visibility can be a real problem - especially in bad weather conditions.The scientifically designed Clear Spectrum lenses used in these glasses have the amazing ability to completely cut out all traces of harsh,blinding glare caused by such potential dangers as oncoming headlights,road lamps,electrical signs,wet pavements,all the things that make driving at night dangerous. With Nightvision ,you'll feel so comfortable driving that you'll wonder how you ever got by without them!
Designed in a fashionable frame suitable for both men and women.Each pair comes complete with a one year money back guarantee.There is a limit of two pairs per address at this price,but requests made early enough,before 19th January,2008,may order up to six.
Save $4 Now!
For a limited time,all those who order 2 pairs of Nightvision may do so for the inclusive price of $20 - save $4 on post and packing charges.

-Széles/tiszta spektrumú lencsék
-Tiszta látás rossz időben is
-Divatos kinézet férfiaknak és nőknek
-a Nightvision tisztává teszi az elmosódott körvonalakat éjszaka
Mint egy nemzeti kampány részese, az Ambervision, egy nemzetközileg ismert látásjavító szemüvegeket forgalmazó cég
szeretne túladni 10.000 db lencséjén/szemüvegén elképesztően alacsony, 9.95+2.05 dolcsiért.
Ez az akció kizárólag azoknak szól, akik 2008 január 26-a éjfél előtt adják le rendeléseiket.
Innentől kezdve asszem felesleges is tovább fordítani...:D:D
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