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Angolt kedvelők, jól beszélők! Kijavítanátok a fogalmazásomat?

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Akinek van kedve és ideje, az kijavítaná ezt a fogalmazást? Nyelvvizsgára készülök. A témája a barátok és a kommunikáció. Előre is köszönöm szépen!

While we can not choose our family, we can choose our friends. I'm very a lucky person, because I have 2 true friends. In my opinion, friendships are very important our life. Humans are socail creatures. Of course, besides my 2 friends, I have pallies too. I often hang out with my friends at the weekends. Both of them, were my classmates at primary school. Unfortunatelly, we don't live in the same village. X. live in A. and Y. live in B. My pallies are my classmates, so we talks during the breaks and sometimes after school. We always talk about the currect issues.

What are those caracteristics that make a person a good friend? For me the most important inner qualities are honesty and helpfullness. They have to be talkative (like me), energetic, open-minded people with a sense of humour. It's also essential that the intellectual and emotional intelligences have to be at the same level. Some people choose friends in connection with their hobbies or have a common interests. We are also interested in good moves and books. Not negligilbe that fact, the friends have to be in the same age, but it's not necessary. Trustfulness is fundamental in any relationship, including friendship. What is more when i tell my friend something important or secret, i want to be sure that he will not tell anybody. We need friends not only when we happy but also when we upset. A good friend have to be with you when you fail on an exam, when you lost a relative, when you run out of money or just you have bad moments.

Unfortunatelly, we saw in many cases, that bad friends can cause bad impact on their friends, for example smoking, using drogs...and so on.

To sum up, life is easier and mare enjoyable to live with good friends.

In today's world, the means of communication are varied .Nowadays we can’t live without this things for example mobile phone which you can use anytime and anywhere and of course you can be reached anytime and anywhere as well. You can use PC and Internet so you can send letters with the e-mail system. You can keep contact with your friends and relatives anytime. A few years ago, the face-to face communication was the only means of communication. But not the only one, writing letter was also world-wide. People knew only a few kinds of communication. They could send their message from one place to another by smoke signals, for examples american indians. Our world is very huge and sending a message from America to Asia a hundred years ago was nearly impossible or it took a lot of time. Nowadays, we don't write letters, because they are time-consuming and slowly. Instant messaging is faster, we don't need to waite for the homing pigeon or the postman. When the radio and television were invented, it was a good opportunity to extend the mass communication. The second and the biggest boom started in 1960s when the first communication satellite was launched into orbit.

There are 4 main media: Newspapers, TV, Radio and the Internet. Newspapers are the oldest of mass media. It has been there from the end of the 17th century. They are not flexible because when something happens we can´t read about it until the next day. Nowadays, we reas newspapers on the Internet. Today´s people take this as an ordinary thing and we nearly can´t live without it. The media are very important for us.

2018. okt. 7. 15:39
1 2
 11/12 anonim ***** válasza:

We always talk about our current interests. - always helyett usually

We usually chat/talk about our current interests, going-ons.

2018. okt. 8. 10:48
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 12/12 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm! Mindenkinek ment a zöld jel! Máskor jobban odafigyelek az unfortunately helyes írására is! :)
2018. okt. 8. 15:32
1 2

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