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Az alábbi angol mondat helyes?

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The house of my father is really nice.

My father's house is really nice.

Az első mondat gondolom helyes, mert egy videóból szedtem, csak én is kreáltam egy mondatot (láds második mondat), és amit én kreáltam helyes és tartalmilag az elsővel megegyezik?

Mert én úgy tudtam eddig, hogy 'of'-t élettelen dolgokra használunk, vagy nem szabály?

dog's food

food of dog

Peter's life

life of Peter


2018. febr. 6. 20:50
 1/4 anonim ***** válasza:
A második valóban jó, viszont a 2. helytelen
2018. febr. 6. 20:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Use of the possessive/genitive case and of + noun

A The possessive case is chiefly used of people, countries or animals as shown above. It can also be used:

1 Of ships and boats: the ship's bell, the yacht's mast

2 Of planes, trains, cars and other vehicles, though here the of construction is safer:

a glider's wings or the wings of a glider

the tram's heating system or the heating system of the train

3 In time expressions'

a week's holiday today's paper tomorrow's weather

in two years' time ten minutes' break two hours' delay a ten-minute break, a two-hour delay are also possible: We have ten minutes' break/a ten-minute break

4 In expressions of money + worth:

£l's worth of stamps ten dollars' worth of ice-cream

5 With for + noun + sake: for heaven's sake, for goodness' sake

6 In a few expressions such as'

a stone's throw journey's end the water's edge

7 We can say either a winter's day or a winter day and a summer's day or a summer day, but we cannot make spring or autumn possessive, except when they are personified: Autumn's return.

8 Sometimes certain nouns can be used m the possessive case without the second noun, a/the baker's/butcher's/chemist's/flonst's etc can mean 'a/the baker's/butcher's etc. shop'.

Similarly, a/the house agent's/travel agent's etc. (office) and the dentist 's/doctor 's/vet 's (surgery):

You can buy it at the chemist's He's going to the dentist's Names of the owners of some businesses can be used similarly:

Sotheby's, Clandge's

Some very well-known shops etc call themselves by the possessive form and some drop the apostrophe: Foyles, Harrods

Names of people can sometimes be used similarly to mean ' .'s house':

We had lunch at Bill's. We met at Ann's.

B of + noun is used for possession.

1 When the possessor noun is followed by a phrase or clause.

The boys ran about, obeying the directions of a man with a whistle. I took the advice of a couple I met on the train and hired a car

2 With inanimate 'possessors', except those listed in A above:

the walls of the town the roof of the church the keys of the car However, it is often possible to replace noun X + of + noun Y by noun Y + noun X in that order:

the town walls the church roof the car keys The first noun becomes a sort of adjective and is not made plural:

the roofs of the churches = the church roofs (see 16) Unfortunately noun + of + noun combinations cannot always be replaced in this way and the student is advised to use of when in doubt.

2018. febr. 6. 22:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Elso nyelvtanilag helyes, de masodik hasznalt inkabb koznyelvben.

The dog's food

The food of the dog - hat nem nagyon

Peter's life

Life of Peter (Brian) - helyesnek helyes, de nagyon formalis.

2018. febr. 6. 22:30
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Azért az nem semmi, mikor a világszerte ismert nyelvtanból való bemásolásomat valaki lenullázza.

Mondjuk azt már felmértem, hogy a Gyakorin a lepontozás csak a hüllőagynak tett engedmény.

2018. febr. 7. 17:42
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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