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Van pár levelem, valaki meg tudja mondani, ha átolvassa, hogy elég-e a szintje az ECL B2 Angol nyelvvizsgára? (sürgős! )

Figyelt kérdés

Family life has surely changed in the last 50-100 years,especially the number of family members, the roles furthermore, the relationships also have transformated. I would like to share my opinion.

First of all the structure of families has became different. In the past, the number of family members were more than now. In an ordinary family there were 6-7 or mre children, and two parents. Moroeover, the grandparents als have lived with the family. in fact, today in the family there are two children and their parents.

However the children do not get any housework now, because these houseworks have made by their parents. 50 years ago the children used to help in the housework, but now they do not really.

Unfortunately as I see it the parents work a lot, for this reason the families do not spend enough time with each other, orthis time is awfully is not enough. Nevertheless 50-100 years ago the parents also used to work a lot, they thought the family is the first, thus they spent more time together. For this reason the families really have to do activities with each other.

Finally the last difference what I have noticed is the relationships quality has deteriorated, because as I have said families do not spend enough time together. Basically the children are more shameless and they do not respect enough their parents, their relatives.

In summary the modern families definetily are not my favourite ones, and we all should change our mind about how to live in a family.

Ennyi lenne:)

2017. szept. 6. 18:18
 1/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Ha volna olyan ige, hogy transformate, akkor az szerintem tárgyas lenne.

A number szerintem larger, nem more.

2017. szept. 6. 21:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Family life has surely changed

Family life surely has changed

in the last 50-100 years,

in the last century years,

especially the number of family members,

especially in the number of persons,

the roles furthermore,

the family roles,

the relationships also have transformated.

moreover, the relationships also have greatly transformed.

I would like to share my opinion.

Hereby, I would like to share my opinion with you.

First of all the structure of families has became different.

First of all, the structure of families has became different.

In the past, the number of family members were more than now.

In the past, there were more members in a family than today.

In an ordinary family there were 6-7 or mre children, and two parents.

In an average family there were 6-7 or even more children along with the two parents.

Majd később folytatom.... Most hív a haza.

2017. szept. 6. 21:33
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/7 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszi mindenki!;) ment a zöld:) Èn csak arra voltam kívàncsi, hogy ezzel a levéllel pl. el e mehetnék a nyelvvizsgàra, kaphatnék-e egy normális pontszámot.
2017. szept. 6. 22:33
 4/7 A kérdező kommentje:
Második válaszoló; a "family life has surely changed egy ECL nyelvvizsgakönyv kezdőmondata volt, szóval szerintem az nem hibás.(ECL-en elkezdik a levelet egy fél mondattal és neked kell folytatni:) )
2017. szept. 6. 22:36
 5/7 anonim ***** válasza:

Be is lehet rakni a have és a pp közé a határozószót, meg nem is kötelező.

Ez is javítandó: these houseworks have made by their parents, javaslok egy passzívot. :)

2017. szept. 7. 08:36
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 6/7 anonim ***** válasza:
However, children do not get any housework to be done these days, as this is done by their parents. Five decades years ago adolescents would help in the daily housework, but in today's households they do not take part.
2017. szept. 7. 12:52
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 7/7 anonim ***** válasza:

"orthis time is awfully is not enough." Ez, bocs, értelmetlen.

"Nevertheless" Gondolom,magyarul még a noha vagy az ámbár lett volna a jelentés.

2017. szept. 7. 18:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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