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Van benne hiba? Ha igen akkor hol és mi?

Figyelt kérdés

Louisa, who helps support her family, loses her job at local cafe. She goes to the job Centre and Lou gets a very good job. She take care of Will. Will had a motorbike accident two years ago, and he is paralyzed. Will’s mother Camilla hires Lousia despite her lack of experience. Lou and Will relationship started badly. Things worsen after Will’s ex-girlfriend Alicia, and best friend Rupert reveal that they are getting married. Later, under Lousia care, Will becomes more open-minded. They continue to talk daily. While working for day, Louisa is listening to Will’s parents’ and learns that Will has given 6 month to her parents before he go at Dignitas. Lousia undertakes to change her mind. It organizes various trips and adventure to show Will that life is worth living.They go to horse racing and concert. During a trip to the island together, Will informs Louisa that he still intends to follow through with the _________. he wants her to live a full life. He says their time together has been special,but he cannot bear to live in a wheelchair. Lou accepted his decision, but he did not agree.

A few weeks after Will’s death, Lou reads the letter Will left for her.

2017. máj. 7. 12:54
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 11/11 anonim válasza:
Mielőtt megismertelek😍😍😍😍
2017. szept. 4. 20:39
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
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