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Valaki leellenőrizné az angol mondataimat?

Figyelt kérdés

1.Dessing: The activity of getting dressed;clothing

My dressing is very solid.

2.Rejoice: To feel very happy about something

My family rejoiced at the news.

3.Challenge: A task or situation that tests someone's abilities

There are a lot of strange challenge on the Internet.

4.Produce: things that have been produced or grown, especially by farming

I've produced crops since 1980.

5.Forbid: something is not allowed

He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.

6.Gang: a group of young people who spend time together and often cause trouble

The parents have denied that their son is a gang member.

7.Boiled:the liquid becomes hot enough to turn into gas

I accidental boiled the tea.

8.Shout: to say something very loudly

She shouts with her dog last night.

9.So-called: used to introduce a new word or phrase

They’ve found the flight recorder, the so-called black box.

10.Theme: The topic of a talk

The violent was the theme in the school.

11.Thankful: grateful and glad about something that has happened

I’m thanful for your help.

12.Admission: to enter a place

No admission after 10 pm.

13.Enter: Come or go into a place

She entered to the kitchen a few minutes ago.

14.Elevated: Situated or placed higher than the surrounding area

This hotel has an elevated position above the village.

15.Pool: a small area of still liquid

I'd like a pool in the yard.

16.Terrified: extremely frightened

Liz was terrified that Anna would fall.

17.Lads: a boy or young man

He's a nice lad.

18.Persisted: to continue to do something, although this is difficult

She persisted in her refusal to pay.

19.Conference: a formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as politics

There will be a conference for the teachers in the school.

20.Equality:a situation in which people have the same rights

I’d like equality between men and women.

21.Genus: a group that includes all living things that have similar features

We usually use the ’Genus’ word in the Biology.

22.Dids: archaic second person singular past of do

You didst your homework.

23.Frenchman: a man from France

I know a Frenchman person. He is my old friend.

2017. jan. 8. 16:28
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 11/13 anonim ***** válasza:

Nem kell névelő-

Theme: The topic of a talk

Violence was the theme at school

2017. ápr. 12. 11:18
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 12/13 anonim ***** válasza:

To shout (kiabálni)

She shouted at her dog last night

2017. ápr. 12. 11:21
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 13/13 anonim ***** válasza:
2017. ápr. 12. 11:22
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
1 2

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