Valaki leellenőrizné az angol mondataimat?
1.Dessing: The activity of getting dressed;clothing
My dressing is very solid.
2.Rejoice: To feel very happy about something
My family rejoiced at the news.
3.Challenge: A task or situation that tests someone's abilities
There are a lot of strange challenge on the Internet.
4.Produce: things that have been produced or grown, especially by farming
I've produced crops since 1980.
5.Forbid: something is not allowed
He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.
6.Gang: a group of young people who spend time together and often cause trouble
The parents have denied that their son is a gang member.
7.Boiled:the liquid becomes hot enough to turn into gas
I accidental boiled the tea.
8.Shout: to say something very loudly
She shouts with her dog last night.
9.So-called: used to introduce a new word or phrase
They’ve found the flight recorder, the so-called black box.
10.Theme: The topic of a talk
The violent was the theme in the school.
11.Thankful: grateful and glad about something that has happened
I’m thanful for your help.
12.Admission: to enter a place
No admission after 10 pm.
13.Enter: Come or go into a place
She entered to the kitchen a few minutes ago.
14.Elevated: Situated or placed higher than the surrounding area
This hotel has an elevated position above the village.
15.Pool: a small area of still liquid
I'd like a pool in the yard.
16.Terrified: extremely frightened
Liz was terrified that Anna would fall.
17.Lads: a boy or young man
He's a nice lad.
18.Persisted: to continue to do something, although this is difficult
She persisted in her refusal to pay.
19.Conference: a formal meeting where a lot of people discuss important matters such as politics
There will be a conference for the teachers in the school.
20.Equality:a situation in which people have the same rights
I’d like equality between men and women.
21.Genus: a group that includes all living things that have similar features
We usually use the ’Genus’ word in the Biology.
22.Dids: archaic second person singular past of do
You didst your homework.
23.Frenchman: a man from France
I know a Frenchman person. He is my old friend.

1.My dressing is very solid. - teljesen értelmetlen
7. accidentally
8. múlt idő, shouted
10. Violence, bár a the violent is jó, olyan értelemben, hogy az erőszakosak.

11. thanKful
13. Present Perfect kell
21. nincs the a Biology előtt.
22. Jó, de inkább a modern angolra kellene koncentrálni először.
23. Nem kell a person.

22. Mégsem jó, rosszul írtam. Ha a mondat archaikus, akkor a you is az lenne, meg a your is:
Thou didst thine homework. - bár a homework se archaikus.

"13. Present Perfect kell"
Sztem meg pont nem kell, mert ott a few minutes ago.
Köszönöm a javítást és a segítséget.
A suliba adták ezeket a szavakat hogy írjunk velük egy mondatot es definiáljuk.
A dressinggel nem tudtam jobb mondatot . Az en öltozködésem szolid. A dressing ugye az az öltözködés es nem tudtam h mit írjak.
Köszönöm mégegyszer

Én a dressinget öltözékként nem használnám. Lehet, hogy helyes, nekem mindenesetre furán hat, inkább clothingot mondanék arra. A dressing az nálam vagy a salátaöntet vagy maga az öltözködés folyamata, de nem ruha. Illetve ha jól rémlik vmi filmből, akkor a kötés is az.
A solid-dal is bajom van, mivel az szilárdat jelent, nem pedig "visszafogott"-at, legalábbis gondolom szolid alatt te ezt akartad érteni.

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