Mit jelentene ez a mondat?
The knowledge he's dropping isn't new in and of itself but it's a clear, approachable example of the kind of insights that pros focus in on to improve their skills.
Főleg az érdekelne, hogy ez az "in and of itself"?
in and of itself
egy kifejezés, lényegében nem jellent többet, mint in itself
talán úgy lehetne fordítani, mint egymagában, ami már magában is
További példák
It's kind of sexy to talk about a machine but in and of itself it's kind of like a paperweight
that in and of itself is calling attention to you and your blackness
Perhaps not, but it is a delightful read in and of itself.
Overhand throwing isn't in and of itself the villain or culprit
Wiyaala is an exquisite artwork in and of itself,
It is complete in and of itself as a little art object, in honour of art.
Even though her appointment in and of itself can be a net pull factor
It teaches you nudity in and of itself is not a big deal.
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