Valaki lefordítaná angolra?
Nem volt valalmi előzékeny, ami azt illeti.
Áldozatul esett az emrek haragjának.
Felment a járdán a házhoz.
Egy kartonpapír hírdetés volt kitűzve a ház előtt.
Köszönjük a vásárlást.
Az illúzió ködje lepte el.
Indái, mintha csak az égig nyúltak volna.
A víz a tetőn át szivárgot be.
Furcsa, rekedt hangja volt.
Csupán 24 órán belül forradalmi változás várható.
A fűtést reggel 7-kor kapcsolják be.
És harcoltak, csaknem mániákusan.
Kivette a szabadságát.
Egy kézzel is meg tudom csinálni.
A köd besűrűsödött körülötte.
Akár meg is forduljatott volna.
Kivonult a tanácskozásról.
Lénye egyik része vágyott rá.
A csodálkozás lefagyasztotta.
Döbbenetét fejezte ki a dolog miatt.
A kilics után nyúlt.
Egy pillanat alatt átlátta a helyzet súlyosságát.
Szörnyen komoly vagy.
Pirospozsgás arca volt.
Beesett volt az arca.
Arca elsárgult.
Szeme vizenyős volt.
Kiszívta a szint a mosópor a ruhából.

He wasn't that complaisant/affable/complacent/courteous, that was.
He fell victim to the rage/furor/ruckus/hubbub of the people.
She went up the walk to the house.
A cardboard sign-pole was fixed/set out/tipped off in front of the house.
Thank you for your business.
He was overcome/swamped/inundated by the fog of illusion/unreality.
Its tendrils looked as if they were reaching the blue bolt of the sky.
Water had seeped through the roof.
He had a strange/bizarre/freakish hoarse/raucous/croaking/jarring voice.
In a mere twenty-four hours, we can expect/see a revolutionary /radical change/turnover.
Heating comes on at 7am.
And they fought, almost as maniacs.
He took his vacation.
I could do that single-handed.
The fog thickened around him.
He could have turned as well.
He walked out of the meeting.
A part of her wanted it.
He was frozen with wonder.
He expressed his dismay.
He reached for the handle.
He could see the importance/gravity of the situation in a single glance.
You're mortally/painfully/sorely serious/deadpan.
He had ruddy cheeks.
His face was slack.
Her face went sallow/jaundiced.
Her eyes were rheumy.
The detergent/washing powder has sucked out/washed out its colors.

He/she wasn't that courteous, as a matter of fact.
He fell victim of the people's anger.
He/she walked up to the house on the footpath.
A carton piece of paper was pinned on the front of the house.
Thank you for your custom.
A cloud of illusion came over him/her.
Indai (ez mi?)just like they reached the sky.
The water leaked through the roof.
He/she had an unusual, raspy voice.
Merely, within just 24 hours, a revolutionary change can be expected.
The heating will be turned on at 7 am.
And they fought, almost maniacally.
He has taken his holiday leave.
I could do it even with one hand.
The fog thickened around him.
He/she could have even turned around.
He/she has left the meeting.
He/she walked out of the meeting.
His/her being yearned for it.
The surprise froze him/her.
He/she expressed his shock over the matter.
He/she reached for the door handle/knob.
He/she assessed within a second the issue's seriousness.
You are awfully serious.
He/she had a flushed face.
His/her face was haggard looking.
His/her face became yellow/pale.
His / her eyes were watery.
The washing powder faded the colors of the clothes.

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