Melyik a helyes?

Figyelt kérdés

A névelő a/an furcsának tartom, hogy nem kerül a help főnév elé.

A mondat:

It can be of great help

Ezt a mondatot a goangolról szedtem. Kérdést nem tudok feltenni nekik mert még az ingyenes verziót használom. Hamarosan megveszem az egyik csomagot de addig is kérdezek itt egyet :)

2016. jún. 10. 01:46
 1/3 anonim ***** válasza:
Helyes így. Az egyik ilyen of-os kifejezésben sincs névelő. (point of interest, man of great integrity, thing of some importance, woman of keen intellect stb.)
2016. jún. 10. 02:26
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/3 anonim ***** válasza:

it can be of great help to you in getting to know your body better.

It can be of great help when we are in need of money too.

it can be of great help during unseen instances.

it can be of great help in reducing the risk of high blood pressure,

it can be of great help to get moving and wake up.

Szóval nincs a.

2016. jún. 10. 10:33
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/3 anonim ***** válasza:

Itt viszont lehet a-vel is:

Ordinary citizens can be of a great help in improving maritime safety

Churna, then the following description can be of a great help for you:

Sabelino said the spotters are of a great help, he said the cloud seeding efficiency is 80%.

Haruna Niyonzima have been most often of a great help to the club's victories

Abrantie has been of a great help to him in his current state of blindness

Mr. Bob Martin... has definitely been of a great help.

so that's not going to be of a great help to a person who wants to come back

that would be of a great help.

which is also of a great help on the field;

and will be of a great help to Australia in their tour of Pakistan in spinning conditions.

can sometimes be of a great help to the travelling cricket journalists.

will also be of a great help to our lads

Any other advice about this move would be of a great help from other carpenters

can be of a great help in resolving water crisis in the city.

A few more bins would be of a great help

A magnificent idea that can be of a great help to the common man w

Különben a nélkül sokkal gyakoribb, 97% valószínúség.

2016. jún. 10. 10:43
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?

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