Ezt a pár angol mondatot kijavítaná valaki nekem?
The raven haired didn't mean to hit Rin so hard with the cushion, she just wanted to frighten him away from her little sanctum. Her stoic mask shatter away for a sec as he looked at him. How could he looks so good? It's just ridiculous...
" Rin? Sorry... I didn't want to hurt you... I just... "
She made no effort to answer Rin's question, even though she seemed to be deep in thought while rubbed the back of her neck. She stopped when Rin softly held his wrist and looked at their hands. It was just a little touch but Haru felt a small heat from the contact. This was her weakness. He was her weakness.*
" I just didn't want you to see this as we're friends... in fact very close friends and... * She let out a deep sigh.*
" There is no more to it, right? I don't want to gamble with our friendship." Because you mean too much - She thought but didn't say it loud.
" So... Don't ask more questions if you think the same. Believe me, you don't want to know what was that."
Haru didn't run away. She stood, his head downcast, her hair covered her eyes and her slightly red face. She craved for his touch again.*

Her stoic mask shatterS away for a sec as he looked at him.
How could he look so good? - itt viszont nincsen S a look után

The raven-haired kicsoda? A jelző után nincs jelzett szó, márpedig ha a jelző elé névelőt teszel, többesszámot kapsz... the rich - a gazdagok, the rich boy - a gazdag fiú.
Her stoic mask shattered - a szövegkörnyezetből gondolom, hogy inkább múlt idő, mint jelen.

She stood, his head downcast, her hair covered...
Egy lényről írod ezt?
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