Valalki kijavítaná ezt nekem? (angol levél)
Dear Sirs,
I wish to apply for the job with reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s ,,Wealden Advertiser”
The reason why I would like to apply is that I teach mathematics in a secondary school in Manchester about a couple of years now, but suddenly I need to move to Kent, so I need a new job around.
Of course I have all the necessary qualifications, I have a Master’s degree and 6 years of teaching experience. Since I finished MSc, I have worked two places, and I have good recommendations. Lately I was appointed head of the department after 2 years hard work, what proves my skills too.
I think I am the best candidate, because teaching is not just a job to me, I honestly care about the students, their development is the first to me. My yearly appraisal shows that all my student’s has good marks, with my methods they are interested, hard-working, enthusiastic children.
If I aroused your interest, please send me the further details and application form of the empty position.
Yours sincerely, XY

Dear Sir or Madam,
I wish to apply for the job with reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s "Wealden Advertiser".
The reason I would like to apply is that I teach mathematics in a secondary school in Manchester for a couple of years by now, but suddenly I need to move to Kent, so I need a new job around.
Of course, I have all the necessary qualifications, I have a Master’s degree and 6 years of teaching experience. Since I finished MSc, I have had two jobs, and I have good recommendations. Lately, I was appointed to Head of Department after 2 years of hard work, what proves my skills too.
I think I am the best candidate, because teaching is not just a job for me, I honestly care about the students, and their development is the first issue to me. My yearly appraisal shows that all my student’s has good marks, with my methods they are interested, hard-working and enthusiastic children.
If I aroused your interest, please send me further details and the application form of the empty position.
Yours sincerely,
nagoyn köszönöm a javítást!
Ez a levél már megállná a helyét egy B2 vizsgán? Annyi votl a feladat, hogy jelentkezzek egy matektanár állásra, kötelező támpontok: miért jelentkezek, képzettség és tapasztalat, illetve miért én vagyok a legjobb jelölt.

Középfokon megállná a helyét.
Fontos, hogy az idézőjel agolban mindkettő fönt van, "így".

Dear Sir or Madam,
I wish to apply for the job with reference to your advertisement in yesterday’s "Wealden Advertiser".
The reason I would like to apply is that at present I have been teaching Mathematics in a secondary school in Manchester for a couple of years by now, but unexpectedly I had to move to Kent, hence I need a new job around.
Of course, I have all the necessary qualifications required, I have a Master’s degree in Mathematics and Teaching and a 6 years' experience. Since I finished MSc I have had two jobs, and I have excellent recommendations. Lately, I was appointed to Head of Department after 2 years' of hard work, which proves my unique skills as well.
I think I can be the best candidate possible, because teaching is not just a job for me, it is a passion. I honestly care about my students, and their development is the top issue for me. My yearly appraisal shows that all my student have good marks, with my methods, they are interested, hard-working, happy and enthusiastic.
If I aroused your interest, please send me further details and an application form of the empty position.
Best regards,

Dear Sirs? Mért, nők nem is olvashatják?
A With reference-szel kell kezdeni a mondatot, utána térsz rá magadra.
A couple informális, egy pár az magyarul is az, hivatalos levélben nincs helye. I have been teaching ... for several years, évek óta: present perfect.
The reason for my application is, hogy ne legyen szó- illetve mondatdarab-ismétlés. Az első need helyett have to, elkerülendő a szóismétlést.
Of course abszolút nem jó hivatalos levélben, ezt nektek nem tanították? De nem is kell ide semmi ilyesmi.
Az appointed-hoz nem kell to, úgy jó, ahogy te írtad, a to helyre vonatkozik, a tisztség előtt nincs.
2 years of hard work, nem kell aposztróf (ahogy a 2. javításban van). (Az akkor kéne, ha nem lenne of)
Nem what proves, hanem which proves, itt viszont a második javítás a helyes, egész tagmondatra a which vonatkozik, nem úgy, mint magyarul.
A to me vs for me vitában a for me a helyes (2. javítás).
"all my students's has" - ilyen nem illik középfokon produkálni, egyrészt, mert a diákjaid nem birtokosok, másrészt az all nyilvánvalóan többes szám. Tehát az első javítás az aposztróffal sehogy se jó, de a másodikból is kimaradt a többes szám -s.
Az empty position nekem nem tetszik, és google találat is alig van rá, van viszont 10 millió az open position-re. És application form FOR the open position, ez nem birtokos szerkezet, hanem hátravetett jelző.
A sima please send me helyett udvariasabb a will you please send me.
Ha ismeretlennek írsz Dear Sir or Madam megszólítással, akkor a zárás Yours faithfully. A sincerely akkor van, ha konkrét személynek címzed.
Ajánlom figyelmedbe Némethné Hock Ildikó Angol levelezés című könyvét.

"Az appointed-hoz nem kell to, úgy jó, ahogy te írtad, a to helyre vonatkozik..."
Viszont "as" kell.

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