''much'' használata, ez így helyes?
We have much needless apple VAGY
We have much neddles apples?
Oké, hogy az alma megszámlálható, de a much ilyenkor nem zavar be? Egyébként az utóbbi megoldásra tippelnék, helyesen?

We have many needless apples.
We have many apples that are not (won't) be needed.
Köszönöm. ment a zöld.
és ha azt mondanám, hogy ''We have much needless energy' ez így korrekt?

Ezek nem jók?
We have much excess energy.
We have much more apple than we need.

Utolso, mondataidat igy irnam.
We have plenty/a lot of/excess/far too much energy.
We have many more apples than we will need.
We ate too much of the apples, more than we need(ed).
What the heck is the " needless apple " ?
Is there such think as a " needy apple " ?

The question's writer requested for the word "needless " to be in the sentence.
It is quite obvious that his sentence has been corrected. Also, he/she has been given alternative, more suitable sentences.

Is there such thing as a needless, unwanted, unnecessary comment?
Yes there is, please see above.

64%-os, a szo amit keresel az az unneedED.
Termeszetesen nem unneedy, amivel itt te probalsz bohockodni.
Mar tobbszor probalkoztal itt a forumozok leszegyenitesevel, okoskodassal, de hat a terved fustbe ment. Most sem kulonb a helyzet.
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