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Valaki segítene ezt lefordítani angolra?

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Tavaly Barcelonában nyaraltunk a legjobb barátnőmmel Clarel. Mindkettőnknek nagy álma volt már ez az út,így hát izgatottan vártuk. Rengeteget terveztünk,álmodoztunk,hogy milyen jó is lesz. Az odautunk kellemesen telt,a szállodaba is időben érkeztunk,és egész szépnek is mondható volt. A hosszú út alatt igen csak megéheztünk igy hát a csomagok kipakolása után úgy döntöttünk,hogy keresünk valami közeli éttermet és megvacsorázunk. Az étterembe belépve röktön megcsapott minket az igazi paella illata. Szerencsénkre az étteremben még volt hely igy hát rögtön helyet is foglalhattunk Paellát rendeltünk a séf ajánlásával. Nem igazán szeretem a tengeri kajákat,de Clair rávett,hogy kostoljam meg. Mivel még sohan nem is ettem ilyet,nem igazán tudtm milyen ízre kell számítanom,de szörnyű volt.Olyan íze volt,mintha romlott tojást ettem volna penészes kenyérrel. De mivel Clair nem jegyezte meg,hogy fura íze van így hát én se szoltam semmit. Nagy hiba volt! Ugyan is az éjszakát a Wc melett töltöttem. Egész éjjel hánytam. És ez még nem is lenne olyan borzalmas,de ez mind már az étteremben kezdődött. Nyilván nem tudtam hol a Wc igy hát,draága barátnőm új,méregdraga táskaját sikerűlt telehánynom.

2015. dec. 6. 12:39
 1/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Jobb lenne, ha te próbálkoznál meg vele. Hogy te is tegyél némi erőfeszítést. Akkor kijavítanánk.
2015. dec. 6. 12:44
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/5 anonim ***** válasza:
Már a második kérdésed, ami erről a házi feladatodról szól. Próbáld már meg egyedül. Mégis mi értelme van más munkáját beadni sajátodként? A tanár tudni fogja, hogy nem Te írtad.
2015. dec. 6. 12:55
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Last year I ent to Barcelona on a holiday with my best friend Clair. We were very exciting because it's a baeutiful and definitely a fascinating city. The journey was very pleasant and we got there in a time in a hotel wich was quite nice. During the long journey we become very hingry so after unloading the packages we decided to look for something close to restaurant and have dinner. Entering the restaurant immediately struck us is the real smell of paella.Luckily the restaurant was soon back seat place so we could also deal we ordered paella the chef's recommendation. I don't like seafood but Clair perfused me to taste (eating?) Since I have never eaten such a thing I couldn't really what taste should be expected but it was terrible. It was a taste as if i had eaten moldy bread with rotten eggs. But Clair didn't say that weird taste so I didn't say anyting. It was a big mistake! I spent the night next to the toilet,throwing up all night. And that wouldn't be aso terrible but it's started all been in the restaurant. Obviasly i Didn't know where the toilet,így hát telehánytam a barátnőm új,méregdrága táskáját. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life
2015. dec. 6. 18:18
 4/5 anonim ***** válasza:

Last year I ent to Barcelona on a holiday with my best friend Clair.

Last year I went to Barcelona for a holiday with my best friend Clair.

We were very exciting because it's a baeutiful and definitely a fascinating city.

We were very excited about it because it is a beautiful and definitely a fascinating city.

The journey was very pleasant and we got there in a time in a hotel wich was quite nice.

The journey was very pleasant and we stayed in a quite nice hotel.

During the long journey we become very hingry so after unloading the packages we decided to look for something close to restaurant and have dinner.

During the long journey we were very hungry so after unloading our packages we decided to look for a nearby restaurant and have dinner there.

Entering the restaurant immediately struck us is the real smell of paella.

When we entered the restaurant we were immediately struck by the unique smell of paella.

Luckily the restaurant was soon back seat place so we could also deal we ordered paella the chef's recommendation.

Luckily, the restaurant had some back seats, so that we ordered paella and the Chef's recommendation.

I don't like seafood but Clair perfused me to taste (eating?)

I do not like seafood but Clair persuaded me to taste it.

Since I have never eaten such a thing I couldn't really what taste should be expected but it was terrible.

Since I have never eaten such a thing I couldn't really decide what taste to expect but, in fact it was terrible.

It was a taste as if i had eaten moldy bread with rotten eggs.

It was a taste like I was eating moldy bread and rotten eggs.

But Clair didn't say that weird taste so I didn't say anyting.

But Clair didn't say it was weird taste so I didn't say a word.

I spent the night next to the toilet,throwing up all night.

I spent the whole night next to the toilet, throwing up all that food.

And that wouldn't be aso terrible but it's started all been in the restaurant.

That wouldn't be that terrible but it all started in the restaurant. (itt nem értem mit akarsz)

Obviasly i Didn't know where the toilet,így hát telehánytam a barátnőm új,méregdrága táskáját.

Obviously, I didn't know where the toilet was, so that I puked into the bag of my girl friend, which cost her a fortune by turn.

It was the most embarrassing moment of my life.

It was the most embarrassing time in my life.

2015. dec. 6. 18:45
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 5/5 A kérdező kommentje:
Nagyon szépen köszönöm!
2015. dec. 6. 20:26

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