Valaki segítene nekem ebben a háziban?
Szóval, angolul kellett rínunk egy levelet, akinek csak akartunk. És Tim Burtonnek írtam, és le kellene ellenőrízni, hogy mégis milyen, és hogy hol vannak hibáim. Valaki olyan kéne, aki nagyon jól tud angolul, hogy ha vannak olyan kifejezések, amikre jobbakat tud angolul, akkor azt kicserélhetné. Elküldöm emailban, ha valaki tudna segíteni.
Ui.: alig van fél oldal.... Szóval nem sok! :)

szerintem jobb ha ide írod be...most őszntén szólva nem fogok e-mailel szarakodni... meg szerintem senkinek se olyan fontos, hogy elolvashassa.
ha ide beírod szívesen segítek :)
Deard Mr. Tim Burton!
I’m sorry afore ’cause of my English, but I am a 13-years-old student, from Hungary. It’s a very little, peacefully, and boring place actually. I just learning english for a few years, and I know just 5 tense yet, but I can’t wait anymore. I must to write you, because I have love your works, films, and all of your personallity from at 10. You’re crazy, original, and exuberant. But enought of the adjective, because I don’t know so much.
In my class (or in my school), I am the only person, who like you, or just know who you are really. I know that you are famous, and really successful, but many people are so same and boring, and they haven’t got imagination. Well, I think I have got too much…. But I like that I am the only fan in my class, because when I say:”You’re just like Judge Turpin!”, anyone knows what I’m talking abaut….
I saw the Alice in Wonderland in a cinema, in 3D, and it was great! But my favourite is the Sweeney Todd, the Big Fish, and of course the Coprise Bride. They’re all great movies. I haven’t read your book, but I will read it sometime.
Well, I’m sure that we will meet one day, or work together, because I’m going to be an actress, or director. I don’t know yet. I will move to London, and I will fight until I appear in a film. And I would like to work with you once. I haven’t got any practise, I have never play in a film, or anywhere. My art-name will be Nikky Carter. So, mark me!
Give to your wife, and your little children my love, and please say to Helena, that: ”I will write to her a letter too, but not now, ’couse I wrote this letter for a week, so….
Yours faithfully:
Molnár Nikolett
P. s.: I’m sorry if you doesn’t understand something, but I was rellay try hard.

Deard Mr. Tim Burton!
I’m sorry afore ’cause of my English, but I am a 13-year-old student, from Hungary.(A YEAR UTÁN ILYENKOR NEM KELL TÖBBESSZÁM) It’s a very little, peacefully, and boring place actually. I'VE BEEN LEARNING English for a few years, and I know ONLY 5 tenseS , but I can’t wait anymore. I must(NINCS TO)write you, because I have loveD your works, films, and all of (SZTEM ITT NINCS OF) your personallity FROM THE AGE OF 10. You’re crazy, original, and exuberant. But enought of the adjectiveS, because I don’t know so MANY OF THEM.
In my class (or in my school), I am the only person, who likeS you, or just(SZERINTEM ITT JOBB LENNE JUST NÉLKÜL) knowS who you REALLY ARE. I know that you are famous, and really successful, (BUT PEOPLE AROUND YOU ARE VERY SIMILAR AND BORING) and they haven’t got imagination. Well, I think I have got WAY too much…. But I like that. I am the only fan in my class, because when I say:”You’re just like Judge Turpin!”, anyone(ITT NO ONE AKART LENNI, NEM?) knows WHO I’m talking abOut….
I'VE SEEN Alice in Wonderland AT THE cinema, in 3D, and it was great! But my favourite is (IDE ÉN NEM RAKNÉK THE-KET) Sweeney Todd, Big Fish, and of course Coprise Bride. They’re all great movies. UNFORTULATELY I haven’t read your book YET, but I will read it sometime.
Well, I’m sure that we will meet one day, or work together, because I’m going to be an actress, or A director. I don’t know(I'M NOT SURE -JOBB SZTEM)) WHICH. I will move to London, and I will fight until I appear in a film. And I would like to work with you once. I haven’t got any practise, I have never playED in a film, or anywhere. My art-name will be Nikky Carter. So, mark me!
Give to your wife, and your little children my love, and please say to Helena that I will write her a letter too, but not now, ’couse I'VE WRITTEN this letter for a week, so….
Yours faithfully:
Molnár Nikolett
P. s.: I’m sorry if you DON'T understand something, but I TRIED REALLY HARD.

az előző kettő vok. bocsi még észrevettem két hibát :)
I haven’t got any practiseS, I have never playED in a film, or anywhere. My art-name WOULD be Nikky Carter.

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