Valaki Jó angolos Ki tudná javítani a lenti fogalmazásom?
Ez egy 'mesének' a tartalmának kéne lennie:D
Előre mondom nem vagyok jó angolos.És gondolom biztos van benne sok hiba:D és esetleg a javításon kívül milyen tanácsokat tudnátok adni egy ilyen tartalom íráshoz?
There were four little rabbits :Flopsy,Mopsy,Cotton-tail and Peter.They lived with their mother in a sandbank underneath a root of a very big fir-tree.One morning Their mother told them to go to the fields but dont go into mr. Mcgregors garden.Then their mother took her basket and umbrella and went through the wood to the bakers for buy bread and some currant buns.
Flopsy ,Mopsy and Cotton-tail who were good little rabbits went down the lane and gather blackberrys.But Peter was very naughty went straight to Mr.McGregor’s garden.Peter sliped under the gate and went to Mr.McGregor’s garden.He ate some lettuces and some beans and then he ate radishes this was his favourite food.And Then feeling rather sick so he went for some parsley.But he met Mr.McGregor and started to run.Mr.McGregor followed him.Peter was dreadfully frightened and he rushed all over the garden because he had forgotten the way back to the gate.He lost his shoes among the plants.And he escaped from Mr.McGregor but he run into a goosbery net.He almost gave himself up but some friendly sparrow helped him and escaped but Mr.McGregor came up with a sieve and Peter wriggled out just in time and leaving his jacket behind him and he rushed into the toolshed and hide in a can but was so much water in it and Peter trembling.Mr.McGregor was sure that Peter was some where in the tool-shed and he began to turn them over.But presently Peter sneezed ’Kertyschoo’ and Mr.McGregor was after him in to time.But Peter jumped out of a small window .The window was too small for Mr.McGregor so he went back to his work.Peter wandered and met with a small mouse but the mouse couldn’t speak because in his mouth so much peans and beans.Peter was very wet and unhappy.He came to a pond where was a cat but Peter avoid it.He went back to the frame and he caught the sight of the gate and began to run.But Mr.McGregor caught the sight of Peter too and he began to run after Peter. But Peter Didn’t care .He slipped under the gate and went home.His mother was very angry and worried.The rabbit mother gave Peter some tea and put peter to his bed.

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