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Segítene valaki ebben a levélben? Nekem elég keszekusza a feladat

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You help to organize social events at an international students' college.Read the notes you took at the meeting which decided to hold a disco,and the extract from the college regulations.Your task is to write to the Principal of the college,asking for permission to hold the disco and givind her some information about the organization of the event.Include the points in your notes and refer to the college regulations.

Notes for letter to Ms Baker

'end of course' disco,date:12 June,Time 9-12 pm,place dining hall,music local disck jockey,food: light snakc,drink: college bar,number expected 150 students

The English Center Regulations


Parties and discod may be held in the college provided that:

-an application givind full details is made in writing at least 21 days before the plannned date of event

-an assurance is given that there will be no noise after midnight

-all rooms used for the party are left clean and tidy

A levél tárgya letter of request?

2015. jan. 11. 20:14
 1/2 anonim ***** válasza:

Level targya: College disco evening proposal, June 12, 2015

Dear Ms Baker,

I hereby would like to submit an application for an upcoming college social event.

At the last social club committee meeting, held on May 10, 2015, attended by Chris Smith, club president, Sue Hollow, club secretary, Owen Amos, treasurer, Mary Mooki and Harry Hoggs social club members' representative, the planning and organising of an "End of Course" social event has been achieved.

Please find proposed details and arrangements below:

*Date: The English Center College disco is to be held on June 12, 2015

*Time: 9pm - 11.30pm

(In view of the Center's regulation of no noise after 12am policy, finishing time has been decided accordingly.)

*Place: College's Dining Hall

*Refreshments: light snacks will be available at minimal cost during the evening

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks will be served by trained and responsible staff at bar

*Entertainment: A local professional DJ has been engaged for this event

Expected number of students to attend will be 150. As per health and safety regulations, hall's maximum capacity is 160 people.

Premises will be left clean and tidy after the event by student volunteers.

I do believe to have carefully planned social events during the academic year will benefit and is in the interest of the students.

Please consider and grant permission for this social activity to take place.

As the social club treasurer, I welcome ideas, suggestions from yourself and faculty members to make this evening a memorable one.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Smith

social club president

2015. jan. 12. 13:03
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 2/2 A kérdező kommentje:
2015. jan. 12. 18:41

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