Segítséget kérek, a magyarázat ellenére sem értem, mi a különbség az actual, valamint a current/present között?
Get it right: actual
Don't confuse actual with current or present. Actual is not used for referring to things that are happening now or that exist now. Use current or present to express these ideas:
✗ The actual law obliges every young man to do military service.
✓ The current law obliges every young man to do military service.
✓ The present law obliges every young man to do military service.
✗ They have to work together to improve the actual situation.
✓ They have to work together to improve the current situation.
✓ They have to work together to improve the present situation.
Actual is used for referring to what is really true or exact:
The reports cites 554 AIDS cases, with 2600 persons infected with HIV. But officials concede that the actual number may be closer to 8000.

actual: valódi, igazi
actually: igazából, valójában
current: jelenlegi

Tehát az
actual - valós, konkrét,igazi (pl igazi beszélgetés)
current - pillanatnyi (pl.:mi a pillanatnyi szélsebesség,amiről tudni,hogy sosem állandó)
present - jelenlegi (pl.:jelenlegi munkahelyed ,ami lehet régen is az volt)
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