Ebben van bármiféle nyelvtani hiba?
Nem szeretnék semmilyen megjegyzést ezzel a dologgal kapcsolatban csak az érdekel, hogy van-e benne nyelvtani hiba és ha igen, akkor mi. Előre is köszönöm!
"I'm straight but I ship them so much and they're the reason why I watch this show. So this show helps people to realize that those people how attracted to their same gender are exactly the same who don't. They're not less, they're not "ufos" or something like that. They're humans too. They have got the same feelings as everyone else has."

Akkor így jó?
"So this show helps people to realize that people who are attracted to their same gender are exactly the same who don't."

"but I ship them…"
Mit akarsz a "ship"-el mondani?
I'm straight but I …? them so much. they're the reason I watch this show.
This show helps people realise (understand) that those who are attracted to their own gender are exactly the same who don't. They're not less, their not "UFO"s or something like that. They're humans too. They have the same feelings as everyone else.
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