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Kijavítanátok ezt a rövid szöveget? (119 szó)

Figyelt kérdés

Churchentondale is a tiny village in the North. The hard winter did bring huge snowstorm, so it was best to stay indoors those days. Sister Claire and Sister Anne were in their cloister. The two women set at a table by a large window and were playing cards. Their only light was a candle, because those nuns had not used electricity before 1997.

After Sister Anne had won the last turn, they went to their rooms. In the corridor they could not avoid Sister Amanda’s censorious look.

“I was cooking all evening, while you were playing cards. Scandalous!”

Sister Amanda led the nuns in her room, where she was flogging them all night. After that they prayed for grace.

Légyszíves írjátok le a hibáimat nyelvtan illetve szavak tekintetében, a történet lényegtelen.

Előre is köszönöm. :)

2014. aug. 5. 17:32
 1/4 A kérdező kommentje:
The hard winter brought huge snowstorm***
2014. aug. 5. 18:27
 2/4 anonim ***** válasza:
Megy ez a javítás magadtól is!
2014. aug. 5. 18:40
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 3/4 anonim ***** válasza:

Churchentondale is a tiny village in the North. The hard winter brought huge snowstormS, so it was best to stay indoors ON those days. Sister Claire and Sister Anne were in their cloister. The two women sAt at a table by a large window and were playing cards. Their only light was a candle, because MONASTERIES had no electricity before 1997.

After Sister Anne had won the last HAND, they went to their rooms. In the corridor they could not avoid Sister Amanda’s censorious look.

“I was cooking all evening while you were playing cards. Scandalous!”

Sister Amanda led the nuns TO her room, where she WHIPPED them all night. After that they prayed for forgiveness.

Egy-ket dolog nem tetszik:

* Egesz ejszaka szijazta az apacakat?

* "prayed for grace". Ilyen nincs. "Say a grace" igen, de azt az imat etel elott mondjak. Megkoszonik a kajat.

Szoval, itt en igy hasznalnam: "they prayed for forgiveness"

Mondjuk, azert mert az egyik elnaspangolta oket (egesz ejszaka!), a masik ketto mert kartyaztak es nem segitettek.

2014. aug. 6. 11:29
Hasznos számodra ez a válasz?
 4/4 A kérdező kommentje:
Köszönöm :)
2014. aug. 6. 11:47

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