Valaki leellenőrizné az angol levelemet?
Dear Ian Fisher,
I read your letter with pleasure. I think opening up a restaurant with international dishes is a good idea.
In reply to your question the best Hungarian foods are goulash soup (for starter), roasted chicken with cucumber salad (for main course) and poppyseed strudel (for dessert). If you want to find more traditional Hungarian prescription, than buy this book : Hungarian Cookbook what’s written by Bereznay Tamás.
About from music : I think that the CDs what you bought at the airport wouldn’t be suitable, because these songs are too old. I recommend for you the one of the best Hungarian performers : Nox and theirs songs. These songs will be suitable at your new restaurant.
The photos what you took on your holiday at our home town are typical of our country and will be good to decorate your restaurant with these.
I hope I could help for you. Please write back as soon as you opened your new restaurant, I want to read the feedbacks from the new restaurant.
Yours truly,
Vecseki István
Előre is Köszönetem az értelmes válaszokért, segítségekért, javításokért és tanácsokért !!!

-"prescription" (=vény gyógyszerhez) helyett: "recipes"
-"what's written by" helyett "that is written by"
-"About from music" - "about the music"
I think (that) the CDs that you bought at the airport wouldn’t be suitable, because these songs are too old.
-I recommend YOU one of the
-in your new restaurant
-The photos THAT you took on your holiday IN our HOMETOWN are tipically of our country and will be good decoration in your restaurant vagy would look great if you decorated your restaurant with THEM.
-I hope I could help you
-I want to read the feedback ON the new restaurant (feedback nem megszámlálható)
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