Mit jelent ez a Black and White 2 csalás?
Black & White 2 Hack - Artifacts For Nuthin'
This can be a complicated but nifty little trick that not everyone will know. This will not work on pre-saved games. You need to start a new game (or mission select to reload the campaign) to get the changes you want. Plan ahead.
Go to the game directory and find the file GameBalanceArtefact.txt in ...\data\Balance\.... Back it up in case you mess it up during the edit. Open the file using Notepad.exe. You will see the values for everything on the tribute menu.
Look for a string similar to ARTEFACT_EPIC_WONDER_NUMBER_VOLCANO 100000 and disregard the other numbers. Change the value directly to the right of any artefact and you will change its tribute cost in the game. Safe range of values are 1000 (or there abouts), but be sure that the new sum value is reflected in the total cost at the end of the file. Save it and you can start buying stuff you only dreamt about before.
Values less than 1000 may cause your game to crash.
Ne a google vagy bármilyen mondatfordítóval fordítsátok le. Köszi
Save it and you can start buying stuff you only dreamt about before.
lehet benne venni olyan tárgyakat amikrő még nem is álmodtál (valami hippi szuppi csili vili)
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