Jó angolosok! Kijavítanátok a hibákat?
Imagine you are Peter and write a page in your dinary about your day and how you stopped the train with your sisters. (60-80 words)
Ezt írtam:
About the day
It was an eventually day. Firstly we got some strawberries which we gave to the Russian who liked them. The next day, we decided to find some other surprise for our Russian friend. So we went towards the railway tracks where there were many cherry trees. We started to pick the fruit when we heard a loud noise which was a train.
We made a flag and waved from the top of hill but the train didn't stop. Then Bobbie ran down the hill and onto the tracks. The train stopped and after then everyone was cheering our.

Mi az, hogy eventually day? Végül nap? Biztos, hogy nem ezt akartad írni!
Nem firstly, hanem first. A firstly felsorolásban van.
which és who elé vessző. Nem kell mindig, ide kell.
find some surprise furcsa.Esetleg get some surprise.
a loud noise which was a train: ez pongyola. Zaj, ami egy vonat volt. ... which came from a train, vagy which turned out to be the whistle of a train
from the top of THE hill
after that
... cheering us: tárgy, nem birtokos
Az első mondatba azt akartam írni, hogy ez egy eseménydús nap volt.
De akkor nem jött össze...
Ez így mostmár jó?
It was an eventful day.
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